Emmanuel Macron triggers the countdown to form the government

Emmanuel Macron triggers the countdown to form the government

Emmanuel Macron ended Thursday evening June 30 a long international sequence which lasted a week. Back in Paris, the president must now get back to work to name the new government.

Emmanuel Macron does not like to react under pressure, reports Valerie Gas, from the political service of RFI. Asked about the appointment of the Borne 2 government, the President of the Republic tried to deceive him as if everything was under control and that he was in fact respecting the political and parliamentary calendar: “ The government, like the previous government, was able to take very structuring decisions on purchasing power and health issues, and will continue to do so; afterwards, as far as the domain of the law is concerned, decisions which required that a new chamber be formed, with elections which are also expected within the new National Assembly. »

Everything is done in good order »

No question for Emmanuel Macron to recognize that the situation of a government on borrowed time with beaten ministers in the resigning legislative elections, with the case Damien Abad against whom a new rape complaint has been filed, paralyzes the action. ” All this is done in good order, he said. You referred to drawers, I open them one after the other. I am not here to comment on what ministers say from Paris, nor to say what I am going to do in Paris. I will when I get back. »

Emmanuel Macron has in any case given himself a little extra time: the general policy statement ofElisabeth Borne before Parliament has been postponed for a day, it will only take place on 6 July. Upon his return to Paris, Emmanuel Macron therefore triggered the countdown to finally compose the government.
