Emmanuel Macron, the fractured ear and unbridled speech – L’Express

In a letter to the French Macron promises to act

Emmanuel Macron is no more. The work table still stands in the middle of the room, a few scattered things, books, and these lamps with big shades. But no trace of him. This is the only place in France where those who do not want to see or hear the president can hurry: in the heart of Paris, at the Grévin museum. The wax statue of the head of state, standing with his hands halfway up as if addressing the French, “is under repair”. Pattern ? Emmanuel Macron became deaf, “one fractured ear”. Irony of reality. The false has lost its hearing, the true saturates that of the French. Press conference, confidences to the regional press, letter to the French, 1h45 podcast… And for those who have difficulty hearing: the photographs, in black and white, strewn like so many small pebbles on the path to “return to the people” by his official photographer, Soazig de La Moissonnière.

When L’Express reported that the president, to the ministers meeting on Sunday June 9, had announced: “I will make three interventions per week until the legislative elections”, the Elysée hastened to deny this. A talkative president, what a horror! Two weeks, six interventions. Look for the mistake… At the end of the school year, it may be that the notions of mental arithmetic still need to be consolidated on rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.

READ ALSO: “I will make three interventions per week until the legislative elections”: Emmanuel Macron, his June plan

The president speaks, therefore. Even though around him, people agree to demand silence. There are those who dare, calling before him for a “demacronization” of the campaign, like François Bayrou, according to information from Politico. Or this fellow traveler from the beginning who often told him: “Shut up! It’s already an overexposed profession and, secondly, there is a rational, factual danger: the more you ski, the more chance you have of to show off.” Do you think the president contradicted him? “He says yes, he often says yes!” exclaims still amazed the one who can only see “a problem of discipline” in this exalted head of state.

READ ALSO: SMS, confidential notes, secret estimates… Emmanuel Macron overcome by fear

Thus swell around the latter the ranks of countless who claim to have given up, after having fought. “I stopped giving him any advice a long time ago,” admits an early friend. “This boy is deeply tiring.” It is even rumored that Alexis Kohler, in person, pleaded for a rarer word. With the success we are experiencing. Question from a friend: “Why the hell does he need to talk so much?” The only one worth having. Because this is indeed a matter of need, personal, intimate, ontological, when we take up the pen to assure that “the way of governing must change profoundly”. What is the emergency? What is the message ? Nicolas Sarkozy, in his time, already promised every month: “I have changed”, Pierre Mauroy in 1982, wrote in The world a forum entitled “Governing differently”…

READ ALSO: How the RN and the New Popular Front became Macronie’s only asset

Fortunately, the time has also come for the liberation of ministerial speech. Thus, a very senior minister in the protocol order no longer holds back from putting forward a hypothesis: “Macronism is narcissism, that explains everything.” There is with Emmanuel Macron, as with Nicolas Sarkozy before him, this certainty that he is the only one capable. That the French, for the most part, hold a decision against him affects him, worries him, but does not cause him to withdraw. On the contrary, we must tell them, prove to them, make them accept that it is through him that salvation will come.

“Love never dies of need but of indigestion”, has it not come time for the president to reread Ninon de Lenclos? “He is driven by a perpetual need to convince, says a close friend. But above all, he thinks that not speaking means disappearing, and he does not want to disappear…” Sad sir. In a few days, the statue of Emmanuel Macron will return to its place at the Grévin museum. Sad wax? It will be repaired, an enviable fate for the head of state. Repaired and mute.

