Emmanuel Macron: ready to redesign before May! News and poll results

Emmanuel Macron ready to redesign before May News and poll

MACRON. Emmanuel Macron is campaigning for his re-election, but is already preparing to reappoint a Prime Minister and to have to recompose a government. Jean Castex announced that he would resign immediately, “as is tradition”, if Emmanuel Macron is re-elected on Sunday April 24. Follow the latest news from Emmanuel Macron…

The essential

  • Jean Castex will announce his resignation next week if Emmanuel Macron is re-elected on Sunday. On France Inter, the Prime Minister declared on Tuesday: “Obviously, I am one of those who strongly hope that the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, will be re-elected on Sunday, and this is our major subject of mobilization this week. So, after this election, in the days that follow, as tradition dictates, I will present my resignation and that of the government to the President of the Republic.
  • Emmanuel Macron’s speech focused on the environment. The outgoing president says he wants to appoint a prime minister whose main mission will be the fight for ecology. Guest of France Culture this Monday, he declares to have read a lot on this subject and to have “transformed” on the question. For the Obs, Emmanuel Macron’s “ecological thought” has another goal: “in Marseille on Saturday, Emmanuel Macron tried to heal his left by playing the green card to bring people together.”
  • The results of the latest polls have seen voting intentions progress in favor of the Head of State, who now has a lead of a dozen points over Marine Le Pen.
  • Follow the latest news from Emmanuel Macron in this campaign between the two rounds of this presidential 2022.

Latest Macron-Le Pen poll


10:56 – Claude Chirac calls to vote for Emmanuel Macron

“As Jacques Chirac said throughout his life, it’s time to fight against extremism,” declared to AFP Claude Chirac, daughter of Jacques Chirac, and her husband Frédéric Salat-Baroux, ex- secretary general of the Elysée. According to them, it is not enough to affirm “that no vote should go to Marine Le Pen”, it is necessary to dare “a” clear and clear call for the vote Macron “. “For the moment, only one thing counts: not a voice must be missing from Emmanuel Macron.”

10:43 – The outgoing president, rather “Shiva” than “Jupiter”?

It is to Patrick Cohen, presenter of the program C à vous, on France 5, that we owe this comparison of Emmanuel Macron to this “god with four arms and endowed with a third eye, watching over everything, taking care of everything while [ses] ministers sometimes discover some of [ses] decisions on television.” And to add: “Which does not mean that there is never consultation.”

10:38 – Emmanuel Macron: retirement at 65, explained by Bruno Le Maire (2/2)

In the eyes of Bruno Le Maire, Emmanuel Macron “has never deviated from his line”, in particular on the question of the retirement age which he wants to push back to 65 years old. As for Marine Le Pen’s proposals on the subject, Bruno Le Maire mocked the outgoing president’s rival: “I hear Marine Le Pen’s supporters getting bogged down in an inextricable mess about what they want to do on pensions. They are incapable of explaining. If you manage to understand what Marine Le Pen wants in terms of retirement, you explain it to me.”

10:30 – Emmanuel Macron: retirement at 65, explained by Bruno Le Maire (1/2)

The Minister of the Economy was invited this morning on Europe 1 to present Emmanuel Macron’s economic program and in particular his project for pensions. “We want to save the pay-as-you-go pension system. We start from a very simple principle: there are fewer people contributing and paying the pensions of those who are retired and there are more people who are retired. So anyone can understand that it is necessary to move one of the parameters (…) We want to index [la pension de retraite] on inflation and from next July, allow pensions to be increased to follow the rise in prices. So there is only one solution left: to push back the legal retirement age.

10:29 – Patrick Cohen: “If you are elected on Sunday, will you cease to be a monarch?”

Emmanuel Macron was this Monday evening the guest of the program “C à vous”, on France 5. To this question that Patrick Cohen threw at him, the outgoing president replied as follows: “When we are elected by the people, we is not a monarch. The five-year term and the phasing with the legislative elections means that the president takes everything.” And to continue, concerning his low propensity to delegate: “When there are crises and wars, it is not illegitimate for a lot of things to go up. […] I changed my mind several times during Defense counsel. I learned to coordinate more.”

10:13 – Édouard Philippe: “Nothing seems to me played”

Édouard Philippe, former Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron, wants to be cautious about the outcome of the presidential election this Sunday. In an interview with Le Figaro, he said: “Nothing seems to me to be over because many unknowns weigh on the ballot, starting with abstention. This campaign between the two rounds is useful: it makes it possible to enrich the candidate’s program and to show what his opponent’s program is. It’s very healthy in this democratic moment.”

10:02 – Jean Castex: “Yes, there is a difference with Mrs. Le Pen”

Always on France InterJean Castex defended Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term as well as his own: “There is a real project for France, social, societal, economic, to regain a strong France, a France that is based on its values . Yes, there is a difference with Mrs. Le Pen. Sorry. Yes, there is a difference, I affirm it, very strong.”

09:58 – Jean Castex ready to resign next week

Guest of France Inter this morning, the Prime Minister made the following declaration: “Obviously, I am one of those who strongly hope that the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, will be re-elected on Sunday, and this is our major subject of mobilization this week. So, after this election, in the days that follow, as tradition dictates, I will present my resignation and that of the government to the President of the Republic.”

Learn more

The Macron – Le Pen duel for the second round of the 2022 presidential election has already been the subject of numerous polls since the start of the campaign and a fortiori after the first round which designated the duo as finalists. Each time, Emmanuel Macron will have been given the winner of the election, but with a gap that has narrowed considerably. As a reminder, during the last presidential election, Marine Le Pen was largely beaten in the second round with 33.90% of the vote against 66.10% for Emmanuel Macron.

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen officially qualified for the second round of the presidential election on Sunday April 10. The outgoing president came first with 27.85% of the vote, ahead of the RN candidate with 23.15%. Emmanuel Macron has thus improved his 2017 score (24.01%), even if abstention reduces this progress. He still won more than a million additional votes (9.7 million against 8.6 million 5 years ago).

Emmanuel Macron, in this campaign between the two rounds, indicated that he wanted to “complete” and “enrich” his program, in particular on ecology. He said he was ready not to push back the retirement age to 65. The Head of State also indicated that he was “not opposed” to the establishment of a “full” proportional system for the legislative elections.
