Emmanuel Macron puts Ukraine on the agenda for D-Day commemorations

In The Economist Emmanuel Macron attacks the National Rally

80 years ago, Allied troops landed on the Normandy coast, in the northwest of France, to liberate the country and western Europe from German occupation. Many heads of state will participate in the commemorations this June 6. The main ceremony will take place on Omaha Beach, one of the five beaches of this landing. If Omaha Beach is synonymous with bloodshed with the loss of nearly 5,000 soldiers on the first day, Utah Beach, a little further north, is synonymous with success.

Utah Beach is a beach as far as the eye can see. The sand extends over 300 to 400 meters, exactly as on June 6, 1944, specifies Florent Plana, tourist guide and enthusiast of this page of history: “ You just have to imagine that there were wooden beach obstacles with mines on top. The soldiers will have to cross these 300 meters of beach under enemy fire. »

Of the 23,000 Americans who set foot on this beach on June 6, only 200 were killed or injured. A record which can be explained by the balance of force on the ground. Only 75 German soldiers are stationed at Utah Beach. “ The Germans for a very long time will believe that the landing will take place in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, where there are second-hand men, says Florent Plana. And on June 6, 1944, the Germans knew that there was going to be a landing, but they did not know where or when exactly. »

A little further, on the beach, the same story is told in another language, an English-speaking guide accompanies an American family on vacation. “ We came to realize the extent of the commitment of the forces that dayexplains this American tourist. I read books but I wanted to see it. »

Every year, nearly 700,000 American tourists visit the landing beaches, most often following in the footsteps of a relative.
