Emmanuel Macron out of step with the French? Illuminating figures

Emmanuel Macron out of step with the French Illuminating figures

Several bills are expected in 2024, notably the text on the end of life and economic reforms to achieve full employment, but does Emmanuel Macron’s policy really meet the expectations of the French?

Presented as a “French vintage” by Emmanuel Macron during his wishes, the year 2024 is full of challenges for the President of the Republic. Drained by a year marked by reforms that were difficult to adopt – pensions and the immigration law among others – the head of state must “relaunch himself” and win back the opinion of the French. “His popularity rating is not flamboyant” at the start of the year, recalled the political scientist and director of the “Opinion” department at Ifop, Jérôme Fouquet, on franceinfo Wednesday, January 3. Only 32% of those questioned said they were satisfied with Emmanuel Macron’s policies in the latest survey carried out by Ifop for the JDD in mid-December.

To regain the country’s confidence, the head of state is banking on his mysterious “meeting with the Nation”, the date and objective of which are still unknown. Does he intend to respond to the concerns of the French? It is on this point that the President is failing according to the analysis of the opposition, in particular the LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis Aurélie Trouvé. “The French are exhausted, they want their primary concerns to be addressed: health, purchasing power and the environment. What has the government done about that? Nothing, on the contrary it has made the situation worse” , released the chosen one on franceinfo. And the rebel added: “President Macron has plunged a large part of the country into poverty: wages have fallen further, prices continue to soar. President Macron is truly the total impotence of the State .”

THE latest studies from Ifop confirm the podium of French priorities. Health issues are at the forefront “with very strong concern about the situation in emergencies, hospitals and medical desertification” specified Jérôme Fouquet. “Second priority is the question of purchasing power” as proven by survey data and empirical data from retail professionals. While inflation has weighed on the French wallets in 2023, no drop in prices is in sight, just a slowdown in inflation. Emmanuel Macron will therefore be expected on this subject, but risks having difficulty responding to it immediately. Next comes the fight against terrorism and education according to the study, two subjects that the government has taken up in recent months, particularly since the appointment of Gabriel Attal to the Ministry of Education.

On the health side, many projects are on the table for 2024, starting with the bill on the end of life or the inclusion in the Constitution of voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG). But with regard to the management of public health services, which was presented as one of the priorities of the five-year term, no concrete measures are on the horizon. Are other thoughts on the medical sector or on economic reforms (in addition to decisions concerning full employment and housing) in the cards at the Elysée? Response in the coming months.
