Emmanuel Macron mobilizes his lieutenants to campaign

Emmanuel Macron mobilizes his lieutenants to campaign

The presidential election campaign has entered a new phase with the official entry into the running of President Emmanuel Macron. But the head of state is monopolized by the Ukrainian crisis, so it is his lieutenants who are mobilized to campaign, like the leader of the En Marche deputies, Christophe Castaner, a close friend of the president.

How are you ? How did it go this morning », « Great “. Christophe Castaner, president of the group La République en Marche at the National Assembly, came to help the activists campaign on the ground in a market in the 15th arrondissement because if Emmanuel Macron is a candidate, he has not yet entered the arena, report Anthony Latier from the political service of RFI.

There will be face-to-face

What concerns this voter: “With all the events there are, there is no longer a campaign. What I don’t understand is that he doesn’t really want to communicate with others, face to face”.There will be some. You will see, there will be a campaign, there will be face-to-face meetings with journalists, with French people… “, assures him in response Christophe Castaner.

The leader of the walking deputies insists: Emmanuel Macron will not flee the debate. ” The president likes to debate, likes the field, likes to be with the French. And so, as far as possible – and the possible is different today – he will not let go,” he said.

Nothing is written in an election »

And to those who slip in his majority that the victory is already acquired, Christophe Castaner answers: “ It is an error of analysis because nothing is written in an election. And it is a political fault because it is a form of arrogance which is not ours. Don’t trust the polls. Polls are indicators. The support rating for the President of the Republic is high, so much the better. But that doesn’t make the election “.

Emmanuel Macron has planned a first campaign trip on Monday March 7 in the Paris region, if the international agenda allows it. He should go to Poissy in the Yvelines for ” a conversation with the inhabitants around the topics they will choose “, his first trip as a candidate, says his campaign team.
