Emmanuel Macron, main obstacle to the “republican arc”? – The Express

Emmanuel Macron main obstacle to the republican arc – The

The nuance camp has lost the sense of nuance and therefore, in a way, the battle. The main obstacle to the constitution of a republican arc now seems to have a name: Emmanuel Macron. It is he who calls for it with his wishes, it is he who hinders its realization. It is an embarrassment to the famous “useful vote”. Because he focuses too much criticism on his personal practice of power, and not only among his irreconcilable adversaries – up to the point of disregard for the consultations provided for in the Constitution for the decision-making on dissolution.

If it would be an exaggeration to make him solely responsible for the madness which seized the political scene in the aftermath of the dissolution, if it would be unfair to make him the sole culprit of the wind of populism which threatens to sweep away the right than the left, it was he who facilitated this face-to-face meeting in the hope that it would promote his electoral victories and his domination of the public space. France torn between two extremes, between a Jordan Bardella who brings up to date, and without even thinking of harm (which is even worse), “the French of foreign origin” and a Jean-Luc Mélenchon lost in delusions of autocracy and ready to invest in anyone – which generally leads to doing anything), is a country on the edge of the abyss.

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“Emmanuel Macron was built against the system, he cannot bear to have the impression of being part of it,” says one of his advisors, for whom the president “dissolved the Assembly and this entire system” : “It’s because it’s dangerous that the system finds it horrible, while 70% of French people approve of the dissolution.” How can we get out of this inextricable situation, on a political scene which makes the President of the Republic the keystone of institutions, a scene which now threatens to collapse? On the field of ruins, the architect of reconstruction can no longer be the head of state. But constitutionally, it is, who will appoint the Prime Minister in July. The day after the 2022 legislative elections, it was he who received all the party leaders, we recall at the Elysée.

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Giving the people a voice again – on an election night, which we were weak enough to think had already served that purpose, as Nicolas Sarkozy pointed out – is more akin to a fool’s game than it is. responds to a concern for democratic hygiene. Emmanuel Macron plans to speak again in the second half of the week. “A space is being reconstituted,” wants to believe the president, who repeated it this Monday in small groups.

But through his history, his background, his temperament, this president never believed that politics was a collective work, only an individual adventure. The picture that the 577 deputies elected on June 30 and July 7 will draw will deprive him tomorrow of the freedom to choose a Prime Minister, if a hostile absolute majority is formed; or else it will force him to cut back if a coalition of the save-who-can is to be built. To no longer be, in any case, the Emmanuel Macron we knew.
