Emmanuel Macron justifies the dissolution and delivers his battle plan

Emmanuel Macron justifies the dissolution and delivers his battle plan

18 days before the early legislative elections, French President Emmanuel Macron unveils his battle plan on Wednesday in order to try to secure a “clear majority” for the rest of the five-year term and counter the far right, at the gates of power.

3 mins

After promising to return very quickly to the French to explain his surprise decision to dissolve the National Assembly – the lower house of Parliament – on the evening of catastrophic European elections for his camp, Emmanuel Macron gave a press conference at 11:00 a.m. this Wednesday in Paris.

Read alsoDissolution of the Assembly: the French president’s poker move that no one expected

In an introductory statement that he made before responding to the journalist, the French president quickly wanted to justify his decision to resort to the dissolution of the National Assembly after the victory of the National Rally in the European elections on June 9. A result we could not remain indifferent or deaf and we had to provide democratic responses » said the president. After having ” noted a blockage » in the National Assembly, according to him the situation “ imposed a dissolution which alone allows the clarification of things. It is an act of confidence in our people, in democracy “.

The moment of clarification »

This moment is that of clarification », insisted Emmanuel Macron. “ Since Sunday evening, the masks have been falling. So things are simple today, we have unnatural alliances at both extremes » he continued, targeting the potential alliance of certain outgoing LR deputies led by Éric Ciotti with the National Rally and the ongoing attempt at union between left-wing forces to present single candidacies in the 577 French constituencies during the first round of legislative elections which will be held on June 30.

We haven’t done everything right, but we have results », says Emmanuel Macron, defending a united and clear central bloc. He says he wants to bring together and not rally. “ I am convinced that social democrats, radicals, ecologists (…) republicans » can be found around « a few clear axes » and build a “ federation of projects “.

More firmness »

Emmanuel Macron notably rolled out the campaign axes of his course. “ We must first of all relentlessly continue to act for more security, more firmness, implement the laws that have been passed, like our European texts, to reduce illegal immigration. “. He proposed “more firmness, but within the framework of the Republic and its values”. “ This is also what opposes us (…) at both extremes “, he judged. “ What is proposed today by the extreme left is a response through communitarianism and laxity”, and “what is proposed by the extreme right and those who are allied with it is a response to insecurity by leaving the Republic, its values, its very base “.

He also called for “ also respond more firmly to the rise in violence among minors which undermines national cohesion with clear and radical measures which are being prepared “. He also defends a “ ecological and economic ambition “.

Another campaign axis proposed by the president: “ live better every day “. “ It will therefore be necessary for the forces of the majority to construct concrete responses on this subject. “, said Emmanuel Macron, referring in particular to the question of the cost of energy, assuring in particular that he wanted to build ” eight new nuclear reactors » EPR2, in addition to the first six reactors already confirmed, reduced costs and poorly paid professions. “ Pensions will be well indexed to inflation », also announced the head of state.
