Emmanuel Macron in Qatar: the angry subjects carefully avoided?

Emmanuel Macron in Qatar the angry subjects carefully avoided

Emmanuel Macron is expected in Qatar this Wednesday, December 14, 2022 to attend the semi-final of the French team against Morocco at the World Cup. The visit of a few hours linked to the sporting event is overtaken by politics.

[Mis à jour le 14 décembre à 18h52] To be “all behind the Blues for the victory!” This is the message of Emmanuel Macron, launched on social networks before the semi-final of the French team at the Football World Cup, against Morocco. This Wednesday, December 14, the President of the Republic will be in the stands of the Al-Bayt stadium, in Al-Khor, a city located 50km north of Doha, the capital of Qatar. A controversial arrival in this Gulf country. But Emmanuel Macron wants to put the round ball before any political consideration. In his message, he called to “never forget that sport brings us together above all in respect and friendship between our two nations.” Does he evoke Qatar, organizing country, or Morocco, opponent of the Blues?

The arrival of the Head of State is more of a stopover than a visit since after arriving at 6 p.m., he should only stay there for a few hours to (perhaps) greet some Qatari leaders, to enjoy of the 90 minutes of the match and to leave afterwards, in the event of victory, a quick tour of the locker room of the Blues. At the beginning of the week, the Elysée and a presidential adviser affirmed that the trip pursues a purely sporting objective, and somewhat chauvinistic: “It is a question of supporting the Blues in what will be an important moment in French sport and Franco-Moroccan friendship”.

Emmanuel Macron’s decision to go, as in 2018 during the World Cup in Russia, to the semi-final match of the national team is struggling to pass. Only 53% of French people say they approve of the President of the Republic’s furtive visit to Doha, including an overwhelming majority of football enthusiasts, according to a study Elabe for BFMTV published on December 14. The most salient criticisms come from the political class with the opposition of the left which denounces this displacement compared to a “political guarantee” brought to Qatar. Because it is the host country of the competition that is at the heart of the problem.

Macron in Qatar to “support the Blues” and nothing else

Emmanuel Macron set the tone even before the official launch of the World Cup by calling in mid-November to “not politicize sport”. From now on, we must match words with deeds, but the visit of a Head of State, even when it concerns a sporting event, cannot be dissociated from politics. In particular for the World Cup whose political stakes are known to all, especially those of Qatar. To prove that the round ball is the only reason for his coming, Emmanuel Macron invited two former football players with him according to The Parisian : Jean-Pierre Papin and Alain Giresse. The very short program of the Head of State who has to tread Qatari soil only for a few hours does not provide for any official meeting with the Emir or other representatives, the politicians will exchange quick greetings at most.

The presence of Emmanuel Macron in Qatar essential?

The presence of the President of the Republic in the stands of the Al Bayt stadium this Wednesday during the match of the France team is part of a duty of representation but was not essential. Only, thing promised, thing due and Emmanuel Macrons had undertaken to attend the semi-final if the Blues climb to this level of competition. Moreover, the French political leader could be back in the stands of Qatar on Sunday December 18 if the Blues play in the World Cup final, according to information from the team. Note that Emmanuel Macron is a football fan – he has never hidden it and sometimes has fun in the media – also, he was not asked to attend the crucial matches of the competition.

A visit to Qatar still political for Emmanuel Macron

Political shadows still hang over Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Qatar. It must be said that the visit and the match come three days with the revelations in the press of Qatargate, a corruption affair between Qatar and members of the European Parliament, a controversy which adds to those which tarnish the organization of the Football World Cup: the lack of respect for human rights with hundreds of workers dead during the construction of stadiums, among other things, and the disastrous environmental consequences.

The President should not, however, dwell on his subjects which, according to him, should have been discussed when the organization of the World Cup was awarded in 2010. As for the subject of human rights with the accusations against the regime of Doha which criminalizes homosexual relations, Emmanuel Macron left it to his Minister of Sports; Amélie Oudéa-Castera came to visit last week during the quarter-finals, to hold political and lobbying discussions. The minister had also given up wearing the “One Love” armband but had presented herself with a sweater featuring the rainbow colors of the banner of the LGBTQ+ community. Amélie Oudéa-Castera had assured “to pass a certain number of messages” while recalling that Qatar is “an important partner for France”. At the microphone of RMC and of BFM-TV she spoke of a meeting with the representative of the International Labor Organization to discuss working conditions in Qatar, a meeting with the president of the LGBT supporters club of the France team and talks with the local authorities on the promotion of women’s sport. What will happen to any meetings and appointments with the Head of State? Will he be part of the political line mentioned by his minister, namely “to support Doha in the trajectory towards greater respect for human rights”?

Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Qatar in the sights of the opposition

The visit of the President of the French Republic to Qatar has no place in the eyes of the opposition. While Emmanuel Macron took the road to Doha on Wednesday, since the beginning of the week the elected representatives of the left have been angry and condemn the decision of the Elysée to go and support the French team on the spot. In question ? The signal of approval that this may convey when the World Cup is already accused of being responsible for serious environmental consequences but above all of having violated human rights and that Qatar is involved in a corruption affair of the European Parliament revealed Sunday, December 11. For all these reasons, the elected environmentalist and European Yannick Jadot solemnly asked the Head of State “not to go to Qatar”.

Others consider that the coming of the President shows the limit of certain political convictions. “I thought I understood that the World Cup was not political, but I see that as always, Emmanuel Macron has convictions that are variable in geometry. When we are in the round of 16, we are for human rights, when we are in the semi-finals, human rights are over”, attacked the boss of the socialists, Olivier Faure. However, in the Marconist camp, we are sure to make the distinction between sports support and political questions. “It is not because we support the France team that there is additional support for Qatar”, thus defended the Modem deputy, Erwan Balanant to RFI.
