Emmanuel Macron goes into the hard of the campaign against the far right

Ten days before the first round, Emmanuel Macron moved up a gear yesterday, Thursday March 31. More candidate than president, he now attacks his opponents directly during his campaign trips. In Charente-Maritime, in Fouras, he resumed his accents of 2017 to attack Marine Le Pen, still as infrequent in his eyes.

Second stroll in a week for Emmanuel Macron: after Dijon, it was in the streets of Fouras that he decided to go to get in touch with the French. The topic of the day is the ecological transition for which he promises more investments and proposes a method: “ Ecological planning: and I assume this term. It has rather been, in recent years, in the mouth of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, I believe. I am pragmatic: ecological planning is a good method. »

Above the divisions

Giving credit for a good idea to Jean-Luc Mélenchon is also a way for Emmanuel Macron to place himself above political divisions: “ I want to speak to all the French women and men. I know where I come from. Five years ago, I arrived saying: “I believe in a new political offer, I believe in going beyond.” Five years later, I still believe in it. »

There is something else that has not changed for Emmanuel Macron: the fight against the far right, which this time aligns two candidates, Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour. ” I see there a tandem which arrives hobbling, which says everything and its opposite […] If the extreme right, five years ago, had won, well you would have been vaccinated in December and devaccinated in January. This is the reality, it must also be said. »

The hour of the electoral fight has come

Polls indicate that the gap with Marine Le Pen is narrowing. The hour of the electoral fight has come: Emmanuel Macron hardens his tone.

To listen also: Éric Zemmour, the useful enemy of Marine Le Pen
