Emmanuel Macron fully plays the Blues card

Emmanuel Macron fully plays the Blues card

One of the first to rejoice in the victory of the Blues in the quarter-finals of the World Cup in Qatar against England was the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, who shows his enthusiasm and support at every stage. to the French team.

Emmanuel Macron had promised it. He will therefore go to Qatar to attend the semi-final match between France and Morocco on Wednesday. ” Congratulations to the Blues, the whole country is behind you: we will go to the end together! “wrote the head of state on Twitter, a few minutes after the victory against England.

In this World Cup, Emmanuel Macron expresses himself and gets involved. Before this match, he even provoked British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak from a distance by posting a message in english in the form of a challenge.

Humor, but above all a way of appearing as the best support for the Blues, bearers of French hope in a gloomy period where the crises do not leave much room for good news.

Like other presidents before him, Emmanuel Macron, who is also a football fan, tries to play the football card… But in the context of a World Cup in Qatar decried for environmental and political reasons, the issue of his trip to the semi-final risks going beyond the simple sporting framework. As shown by the Minister of Sports present in Doha for the quarter-final who wore a sweater with rainbow sleeves, in support of LGBT +, discriminated against in Qatar.

Record audience for France-England

The victory of the Blues against England (2-1) in the quarter-finals of the World Cup-2022 was followed by 17.7 million viewers on Saturday evening on TF1, according to figures from Médiamétrie quoted by the channel. This is the best audience of the year for TF1 and even a record since 2018 with an audience share of 62.8% on Saturday evening, and a peak of 20.1 million viewers at 10 p.m., a specify the string.

It is also the best audience for a FIFA World Cup quarter-final since 2006. “, she added.

The victory of the French team against Poland (3-1) in the round of 16 of the Mondial-2022 had already been followed by 14.3 million viewers on December 4 on TF1, the only channel to broadcast the Mondial- 2022 in France, also broadcast on beIN Sports on a paid basis, against 14.5 million for their first match against Australia (4-1). It was so far the best audience of the Blues since the start of the tournament in Qatar, despite calls for a boycott.

(With AFP)
