Emmanuel Macron calls on the French to give him “a strong and clear majority”

Emmanuel Macron calls on the French to give him a

Emmanuel Macron calls on the French to give him a majority in the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. In the home stretch of the campaign, the French president gave an offensive speech in the village of Puycelci, in the Tarn. His first real campaign speech, in which he targets his opponents.

Three days before the first round of the French legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron called on the French to give him a ” a strong and clear majority in the National Assembly “. According to recent polls, the presidential coalition is no longer certain of obtaining an absolute majority in the hemicycle, overtaken by the breakthrough in the polls of the union of the left (Nupes).

The Head of State also took advantage of this speech in the Tarn to castigate ” the extremes “, which add” from crisis to crisis by looking back on the great historical choices of our nation “.

He also tackled, without naming him, the leader of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, for having criticized the methods of the police, according to our special correspondent in Puycelci, Anthony Latier. ” There are things that, from where I am, I cannot accept, it is that we insult those who risk their lives to protect ours “said Mr. Macron.

“The opposition opposes”

In his eyes, these extremes question Europe, the institutions or the freedom of enterprise. The choice of Sunday will therefore be, according to Emmanuel Macron, that of unity or that of division. “ We should prefer either the confrontation class against class, or religion against religion, or origin against origin “, regrets the president.

A few days before the election, Mr. Macron is trying to dramatize the issue: “ The imbalances that will emerge in the National Assembly also depend on the destiny of France and the daily lives of everyone. »

A speech which was criticized by the leader of the rebels a few hours later. From his HQ, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has ” denounced the treatment to which our democracy is subjected “. ” It is not up to the President of the Republic to lead the legislative campaign that his friends are unable to lead, it is up to the head of government added Mr. Mélenchon. ” Democracy does not weaken the unity of the country, the opposition opposes “, he concluded.

► See also: The campaign minute – Towards a Mélenchon-Macron duel?
