Using artificial intelligence is good. Buying French AI is better. “We need more economic and European patriotism. We have to go there, buy French and European artificial intelligence (IA) each time it exists!” Exhorted this Friday, February 7, Emmanuel Macron, in a interview given to several titles of the regional press, of which The Parisian.
Three days before a world summit in Paris in which the president of the European Commission must in particular participate, Ursula von der Leyen, the French head of state wondered: “Are we ready to fight to Be fully autonomous, independent, or do you let the competition be reduced to a battle between the United States of America and China? playing card.”
The President of the Republic has also considered that “the AI will revolutionize the way of working”, saying to see it “as a way of recreating competitiveness and productivity for our industries, to create new sectors, to rethink Time and development of work “. “We must not be afraid of innovation,” he urges, pointing “a risk that some give no rule”, “but also (that) that on the contrary, Europe is too rules, dismounts from others and therefore cannot innovate. “
“A declaration open to the signing of all countries”
So that AI is not “the far-West”, Emmanuel Macron announced for the Parisian summit “an open declaration to the signing of all countries and guests, in a completely voluntary mode, with strong principles on the Protection of rights, the environment, information integrity, intellectual property “.
Ursula von der Leyen must also present “a plan with a dozen large public supercomputers dedicated to public research or open for European start-ups,” he announced. “All this is a continent of innovation. We must kiss it with confidence and integrate it because it will allow us to do better, to live better,” said Emmanuel Macron, believing that “reported To the population, (France) is undoubtedly in the top 3 world in terms of researchers, mathematicians, data-scientists specializing in AI “.
He also highlighted the hexagonal ability to accommodate supercalculators who will be able to shoot with an electrical energy “at 95 % decarbonized” and the 4 billion euros provided by the Investment Plan France 2030 in 2027, to which must be added “multiplied private funding”.