Emmanuel Macron announces a plan to support artificial intelligence

Emmanuel Macron announces a plan to support artificial intelligence

Emmanuel Macron wants to accelerate on artificial intelligence. The Head of State announced yesterday a vast support plan for the French sector. An announcement made on conquered ground, at the Viva Tech show in Paris, the great European mass of technology and innovation. On this occasion, the President also recalled the importance of regulating the sector quickly, without hampering innovation.

Developing artificial intelligence yes, but AI made in France. This is the message sent by Emmanuel Macron to entrepreneurs from the VivaTech show. The Head of State first hopes to catch up with the competitors. ” It is clear that the United States of America, by far, and even China, these two great leaders are going much faster than us French and than us Europeans “Admitted Emmanuel Macron.

For this, the government will put its hand in its pocket: 500 million euros will be invested in training with the aim of bringing new talent to life. “ We have good research organizations, good universities. Simply, we must do much more. And so we have to set ourselves the objective of doubling the number of training courses but at the same time of bringing out five to ten AI clusters worth 500 million euros, to have at least two to three world references among them. »

Regarding his desire to regulate the sector, the Head of State maintains his position and remains faithful to his strategy of ” at the same time “: “ For me the priority is really to do “at the same time” for once. That is to say, we must simultaneously accelerate research, innovation and the creation of a very powerful ecosystem, and participate in regulation but whose scope must be as wide as possible. possible. »

A strategy that will probably be at the heart of discussions with Elon Musk who is to meet Emmanuel Macron this Friday.
