Emmanuel Macron announces 13th French death in Hamas offensive

Emmanuel Macron announces 13th French death in Hamas offensive

French President Emmanuel Macron reported a new death toll of 13 French people during the attack. terrorist » of Hamas in Israel, during a televised speech Thursday October 12, 2023. The head of state committed to “ make every effort […] to bring back » the hostages captured by the Palestinian group « safe and sound in their home “.

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President Emmanuel Macron made a solemn speech on Thursday to “ do everything ” to save the French hostages, whose families ” begged » to intervene, invoking the unity of the Nation after having received the party leaders who allowed certain differences to filter through.

Israel experienced the most tragic terrorist attack in its history on Saturday », noted the Head of State in this televised address to the French broadcast at 8 p.m. “ Hundreds of infants, children, women and men were chased, kidnapped, murdered, taken hostage. Kibbutz massacres. Entire villages decimated », he listed, his tone serious.

He explained that 13 French people had died in the attack launched by the Palestinian Islamist movement which controls the Gaza Strip, according to a new report. Seventeen others are still “ missing and undoubtedly, for some of them, held hostage “, he added.

According to participants in a meeting at the Élysée, he specified that four children were among those of whom there was no news. The bloody attack launched on Saturday by Hamas left thousands dead and nearly 150 hostages, including dual nationals.

Investigation opened in France

The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat) announced Thursday that it had opened a preliminary investigation, in particular for assassinations in connection with a terrorist enterprise. Investigations were also opened for kidnapping and sequestration of people, including minors under the age of fifteen, in an organized gang and in connection with a terrorist enterprise.

French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday urged Israel to respond “ strong ” but ” just » after the attack « terrorist » of Hamas which left more than 1,200 dead. “ The only response to terrorism, the only possible one, is always a strong and just response, strong because it is just., he said. “ Israel has the right to defend itself by eliminating terrorist groups, including Hamas, through targeted actions but while preserving civilian populations, because this is the duty of democracies.. »

“Israel has the right to defend itself, but while preserving civilian populations, because that is the duty of democracies,” says Emmanuel Macron

Julien Chavanne

No ” Yes, but »

The head of state called on the French to stay “ United » at a time of the bloody war since Saturday between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas. “ Let us not add national fractures to international fractures by illusion or calculation and let us not give in to any form of hatred. “, did he declare.

“Let us not carry out ideological adventures at home by imitation, by projection. Let’s stay united,” asks Emmanuel Macron

Julien Chavanne

These comments from the president come in response to the controversy over France Insoumise. The far-left party is accused from all sides, including by its left-wing allies, of not clearly qualifying Hamas as an organization ” terrorist “. Its coordinator Manuel Bompard said to himself “ disgusted » by the « small political battles “. Faced with terrorism, “ there can never be “yes, but”,” said Emmanuel Macron during his speech Thursday evening.

At the end of the Head of State’s speech, France Insoumise judged “ unacceptable » that Emmanuel Macron does not condemn “ clearly » the Israeli response to Gaza.

According to Emmanuel Macron, “those who confuse the Palestinian cause and the justification of terrorism are committing a moral, political and strategic mistake”

Julien Chavanne

The government orders a ban on all “ pro-Palestinian protests »

The executive has since feared the rise of tensions in France, and an importation of the conflict. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced Thursday that he had identified “ more than a hundred anti-Semitic acts » since Saturday affecting the Jewish community, the largest in Europe. He ordered Thursday evening the ban on “ pro-Palestinian demonstrations because they are likely to generate disturbances to public order “, and promised the questioning of their ” organizers » and “ troublemakers “.

Several hundred people demonstrated on Thursday evening at Place de la République in Paris, chanting “ terrorist Israel ” And ” free Palestine », According to AFP journalists on site.

(With AFP)

Read alsoIsrael-Hamas War: the first French repatriates arrive this October 12 evening in Paris
