Emmanuel Macron and the trivialization of the far right

Emmanuel Macron and the trivialization of the far right

The National Rally is still leading the polls ten days before the first round of the legislative elections. An unprecedented situation for the far-right formation since its birth under the name “National Front” in 1972.

As in 2017 and 2022, when he found himself facing the far right in the last line of the presidential vote, Emmanuel Macron appeals to voters’ sense of responsibility and plays on the fear that the arrival of extremist parties at the head of the country can provoke. It’s me or chaos, says the president. But it was under her two mandates that the far right prospered best and that Marine Le Pen succeeded in demonizing her party. And in the polls, the presidential camp is placed in third position behind the RN, but also behind the new Popular Front which brings together a left-wing alliance.

With our guest :

Jean-Philippe Moinet, director of the Revue Civique, author of “A newspaper under influence», published by Les Ailes rebels and former president of the Observatory of Extremism.
