Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen target the Catholic electorate

In the campaign for the French presidential election, Emmanuel Macron resumed his role as President of the Republic during a visit to the Notre-Dame-de-Paris construction site, three years after the fire which ravaged part of the building. As for Marine Le Pen, she was in the Vaucluse where, on the occasion of Good Friday, she also made a nod to the Catholic electorate.

With our special correspondents at Notre-Dame de Paris and at Lauris, Anthony Latier and Julien Chavanne

Gray blouse and white helmet, Emmanuel Macron takes stock of the progress of the work with those who are working on the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral. A respite in an increasingly tense campaign.

In this period when we are coming out of the Covid, when there is war in Europe, everything is difficult. It is also the testimony of hope that corresponds to this period. And thinking a little hope through these tangible signs given to us brightens the day “, declares Emmanuel Macron, at the microphone ofAnthony Latier, from the political service of RFI.

Read also : Three years ago to the day, Notre-Dame cathedral was on fire

A few minutes stop in a crazy countryside! »

Difficult not to see a signal to believers nine days before the second round. A signal also sent by Marine Le Pen in the Vaucluse on the occasion of Good Friday, a quick passage through a church. That of Our Lady of Purification, in Lauris.

We are obviously an important day for Catholics. I wished I could make those few minutes of downtime in a crazy countryside! “, says Marine Le Pen, the National Rally candidate at the microphone of Julien Chavanne, from the political service of RFI. Would the far-right candidate have wanted to go to Notre-Dame de Paris? ” Yes, I would have liked. But I am not yet President of the Republic, so I do not have the possibility. »

The far-right candidate, Marine Le Pen, after her visit to Notre-Dame de la Purification in Lauris, Friday April 15.

Becoming president is her dearest wish, Marine Le Pen has also lit a candle inside the church. 27% of Catholics voted for her last Sunday according to an IFOP poll. 29% chose Emmanuel Macron.

►Also read: Presidential 2022: after the Sorbonne, high schools towards a protest path?
