Emmanuel Macron: after doubts, what result in the 1st round? Live

Emmanuel Macron after doubts what result in the 1st round

MACRON. Emmanuel Macron is aiming for a second term as President of the Republic and will know this Sunday, April 10 if he reaches the second round of the presidential election. His express campaign appeared to skid in the past few days. To the point of putting him in difficulty at 8 p.m.?

The essential

Emmanuel Macron’s result and exact score will be scrutinized in particular this Sunday, April 10 during the first round of the 2022 presidential election. Author of an express campaign, marked by the context of the Covid-19 crisis then by the war in Ukraine, the candidate LREM, long placed clearly ahead according to the institutes, seemed to mark time in the last days, a decline illustrated by the last polls published before Friday evening. But the ballot remains the only decision-maker… Follow the latest news on Emmanuel Macron and find his result live this Sunday, April 10.


12:00 – Macron boasts of his “pact with teachers” for the 2022 presidential election

The presidential results are tonight for the first round. In the meantime, a point on the president’s project on the school. Teachers have often mobilized during the mandate to complain about their working conditions and their remuneration and Emmanuel Macron’s latest proposal to better pay teachers who will accept additional assignments has not convinced. Asked on April 4 on France Inter about the situation of teachers, he judged to have “done a lot in the last five years with the splitting of classes in CP-CE1 in educational cities, changes in terms of orientation, etc” and indicated that he wanted to continue the efforts with “a great national negotiation”. The exchanges must meet the need for “flexibility” of teachers and review their remuneration according to the candidate who claims to have “planned money to be able to support this. We have put 12 billion euros on education and youth per year for the quinquennium”.

11:00 – What does Emmanuel Macron plan for colleges for this 2022 presidential election?

Emmanuel Macron is full of ambition and plans many changes to improve the education system, especially in middle and high school. From college, the candidate wants to introduce student training in computer coding and “strengthen artistic and cultural education, by setting up the culture pass in college, planning to invest an additional twelve billion in it”. But the measure that has caused a lot of ink to flow these last days is the project concerning the orientation of students from the 5th grade, misunderstood and strongly criticized by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “I want to introduce an initiation to trades from the 5th. Knowing better allows you to choose better later”, explained Emmanuel Macron to Ouest-France, this measure would pass in particular by the intervention of professionals from various backgrounds in the classes.

09:30 – What Emmanuel Macron wants for vocational high schools

The reforms to the education system also include a section on high schools and the main measure concerns the baccalaureate, already reviewed several times under the Macron five-year term. Without touching the form of the exam, the candidate believes that “it is necessary to consolidate the learning of French and maths, in particular by putting maths back in the common core of the baccalaureate” It is especially the vocational high school that makes the object of several reform projects today Emmanuel Macron judges that “too many sectors have no outlets, for lack of corresponding needs”, an overhaul of the professional sectors is therefore to be expected, as is the possibility of transforming internships paid internships for students.

08:30 – The promise of thousands of magistrates, gendarmes and police officers recruited

Emmanuel Macron’s program is based in part on the “republican pact”, in particular security and judicial measures. In these areas, the main proposal of the candidate is to massively recruit law enforcement on one side and magistrates on the other. During his introductory speech on March 17, Emmanuel Macron mentioned the creation of 200 gendarmerie brigades and the increase in police personnel due to several hundred agents in the two branches, in addition to the reinforcement the candidate plans a new unit that can be deployed in sensitive neighborhoods. At the same time, 8,500 magistrates should be recruited throughout France if the outgoing president is re-elected and keeps his promises.

07:21 – A firm program on immigration and obtaining hardened residence permits

A firm program on immigration and obtaining hardened residence permits

Emmanuel Macron has a program that he wants to be very firm on immigration. The expulsion of foreigners “who disturb public order” is planned by the outgoing president who intends to review the procedures for expulsion and those for the integration of newcomers. It is also on the right to asylum and obtaining residence permits that Emmanuel intends to toughen the rules. He would like residence permits for four years or more to be subject to the validation of a French examination and that of an effective professional integration process, with the adoption of such conditions to be fulfilled, the obtaining of a residence permit would be as difficult as access to French nationality.

06:59 – Gender equality, one of Emmanuel Macron’s objectives

The fight against social inequalities is part of the program of the President of the Republic. If he is aiming for better inclusion of people with disabilities, in particular children with disabilities in school, the presidential candidate wants to improve the situation of those accompanying students with disabilities. In addition, gender equality remains a major objective of its program with better care for women’s health, especially for single-parent families, which are often female.

06:28 – Introducing the carbon tax at the borders of Europe, Macron’s project for a second term

Emmanuel Macron draws up in his program a planning of the ecological transition and among the measures listed is the establishment of a “carbon tax at the borders of Europe to avoid unfair competition”. The principle is simple: tax goods produced abroad and exported to the European Union according to their carbon footprint. The objective is also very clear: it is to discourage companies from relocating polluting activities to territories with more permissive environmental legislation. Emmanuel Macron campaigned for this measure during his mandate with Europe and even more during the French presidency of the Council of the European Union, but the idea is not new: Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande have already pleaded the cause of such a measure and the proposal also appears in the programs of Yannick Jadot and Valérie Pécresse.

06:00 – Emmanuel Macron wants a “popular transmission” concerning the inheritance

The Head of State has addressed the theme of inheritance several times during his campaign, indicating in an interview with Parisian that “it is rather necessary to support people to help them transmit modest heritages”. Emmanuel Macron advocates a “popular transmission”. Thus, “when we are not on exorbitant amounts”, the presidential candidate wants relief from the taxation of certain inheritances.

05:30 – An investment plan of 30 billion over five years announced in October

Announced on October 12, well before presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron entered the campaign, the 30 billion investment plan over five years for industry and innovation already had all the promise and it is now officially part of the program of the outgoing president. The colossal sum is part of the France 2030 project aimed at responding to the “real weaknesses of the country” and making France a great nation of innovation by rediscovering “a virtuous and sustainable cycle: innovating, producing, exporting, and finance the social model”. No less than seven sectors are concerned by this massive investment. The candidate wishes to allocate 8 billion to decarbonization by betting on the use of hydrogen instead of fossil fuels as much as possible; 7 billion to the health; 6 billion to achieve electric autonomy; 4 billion for “future” transport; 2 billion for agriculture and food; two more for training and finally one billion for nuclear power.

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What are the poll results for Emmanuel Macron?

Voting intentions in favor of Emmanuel Macron were measured almost daily during the campaign. The polls have been scrutinized to determine the main trends, but they are only a snapshot of voters’ opinion at a given time and should not be interpreted as predictions of the results of the presidential election. During the reserve period, the two days preceding the election, it is forbidden to publish new polls or to give indications on the latest trends. Find below our compilation of surveys published this Friday.

What about Emmanuel Macron’s program? The Head of State intends, as he said during his only meeting in Nanterre, to develop a “project of real rights, solidarity, social progress”. An inflection towards solidarity and purchasing power, women’s rights, child protection and education, with in particular the tripling of the Macron bonus, a 50% increase in aid for single mothers or even a “big school project”. But Emmanuel Macron assumes “that it will be necessary to work more”, in particular by conditioning the RSA to an activity and by pushing back the retirement age. He also fully defends the European project and intends to make France the “first great nation to get out of fossil fuels”, in particular by relying on nuclear power.
