Emma Wiesner (C) is questioned in Nyhetsmorgen before the EU elections

The center party received close to 10.8 percent in the 2019 EU election, which gave the party two mandates. This time the support seems to be significantly reduced and there is talk that C may leave the parliament.

Emma Wiesner is the Center Party’s top candidate in the EU elections, and in Nyhetsmorgen’s hearing with the party leaders, she talked about the climate, agriculture and the war in Ukraine.

– We are currently seeing how Swedish climate policy is being dismantled. The Swedish government does not look like it will achieve a single one of our climate goals by 2030. It is extremely serious, she says and continues:

– I don’t think this government identifies itself as climate deniers, but they are definitely climate delayers. Climate policy right now assumes that it should be done somewhere else, far away. But Sweden’s climate goals are adapted to the EU’s climate goals, which in turn are adapted to the Paris Agreement.

Stopped support if climate targets are not reached

The center wants to go further than the EU’s climate goals and will work for the European Commission to be able to freeze money for the countries that do not reach the climate goals.

– We already have a democracy lock, if you see that member states do not reach democratic criteria, then you can withhold EU funds to show seriousness. This is precisely what we also want to implement for the climate issue. So you don’t do like the Swedish government and completely ignore the Swedish climate goals, that there will be consequences.

The conditions for the farmers are also important to the Center Party.

– Swedish farmers are no strangers to being involved in climate change. We must strengthen farmers’ competitiveness, and if we are to manage to invest to be part of the transition, then you must be paid better as a farmer and have more left in your wallet.

The requirement for L – end the SD collaboration

Before the EU elections, Emma Wiesner has also gone hard against the Liberals, who are in the same party group as the Center in the EU – Renew Europe, RE. She wants L to end the collaboration with SD, as it goes against the declaration that the party group signed.

– We as a liberal group at the European level have drawn up a declaration about what should apply, that is to say that we should not cooperate with extreme right-wing and right-wing populist parties at any level, she says.

According to Emma Wiesner, L’s cooperation with SD is an issue that must be discussed in the party group, but she emphasizes that it is against the declaration and there must be consequences.

– Then of course we hope that the Liberals will choose differently. We want them to come to their senses and abandon this cooperation that you have at home at government level.

The EU has decided on 50 billion over the next four years for Ukraine, but it is too little money, believes Emma Wiesner – who wants to work to increase the support.

– Peace and freedom must come at a cost, and Ukraine’s peace and security is also about our peace and freedom, she says.

Emma Wiesner, 31, is an MEP for the Center Party. Her key issues are climate, energy and agriculture.

She is a regular member of ENVI, the committee for the environment, public health and food safety, deputy member of the AGRI committee for agriculture and rural development. As well as deputy in the ITRE committee for industrial affairs, research and energy.

In addition to the committee seats in the parliament, Wiesner is, among other things, a member of the Delegation for Nordic cooperation and relations with Norway and Switzerland.

Emma Wiesner has a background as a civil engineer, and has worked with energy issues and sustainability in both the private sector and as a politician.

Since 2021, she has been a member of the European Parliament, after Fredrick Federley left his post for personal reasons.
