Emma Watson felt guilty about Harry Potter and her sad explanation is perfectly understandable

Emma Watson felt guilty about Harry Potter and her sad

Becoming very famous at a very young age is stressful for many stars. Harry Potter star Emma Watson was also affected. In an interview in 2019, she spoke about her because of Feeling guilty about her Hermione fame went into therapy.

Harry Potter star Emma Watson couldn’t handle Hermione fame

Speaking to British Vogue’s December 2019 issue, Watson said she sought therapy for her Harry Potter fame and feelings about it:

To be honest I’ve been in therapy and felt really guilty about it. For example: ‘Why me?’ Someone else would have enjoyed that aspect more and wanted as me.’ I’ve wrestled a lot with the guilt that comes with it. To say, ‘I should have more fun with that. I should be more excited.’ And I really have big problems.

Speaking to Vogue, the Harry Potter actress says her family has been the main thing that has helped her keep her feet on the ground and remember her identity and origins.

In recent years, Watson has taken a break from acting because she said she felt like she was in a cage. But now she wants to slowly return to Hollywood. There are no details about the Hermine actress’ new film projects yet.

Podcast: Is the Harry Potter series really a good idea?

It has been speculated for a long time, now it has been confirmed: The first series in the history of Harry Potter is being produced. However, fans are divided.

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In the podcast we answer important questions about the series, which Harry Potter creator JK Rowling is involved in. Below: Why is Rowling’s involvement so criticized. And what are the pros and cons of remaking the books?

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