Emma sought support – was told that “dark energy” was harming the children

Emma had long searched for meaning in life and the guidance of a spiritual leader.

But what was initially a seemingly harmless course of self-development, developed into a harmful movement.

– I was told that I had a dark entity in me that wanted to harm my husband and my children, by taking their light, she says.

For Emma, ​​the gateway to the new spiritual direction “Love and Light” was an online course in self-development. But the message increasingly came to be about a constant pursuit of the positive, and to purge all bad feelings and people with “negative energies” from one’s life.

– You must raise your awareness and cleanse yourself of all dark, negative, lower frequencies and energies, in order to reach the light vibrations, love and truth. And everyone really couldn’t get there, she says.

Distanced himself from family and friends

Emma tells how the group formed after the course saw themselves as selected light workers. They were encouraged to distance themselves from their families and cut off friendships.

– We had to keep our distance because they let in dark energies and negative energies.

Emma was constantly trying to cleanse herself of dark energies because she was told they could harm the husband and the children. She tells how she eventually became suicidal and engaged in self-harming behaviour.

“Two realities in my head”

To this day, years after she left the New Spiritual movement, Emma struggles with panic attacks and guilt in her parenting role.

– Afterwards it was like I had two realities in my head. But I saw the patterns, that this does not come from me but is something that I have taken on from the outside, says Emma.

Emma is actually called something else.

FACT: It’s “Love and light”

Love and light is a growing new spiritual orientation with roots in the new age.

It can take different forms, but the common goal is that through a spiritual transformation one should ascend to the fifth dimension, 5D.

It is claimed to be a state of higher consciousness, with the ability to see truth and live in the energy of the heart.

Those who are not on their spiritual path are stuck in the third dimension, also called the Matrix, which is characterized by a focus on this world, on society, jobs, rules or politics.

Lured to suicide

The orientation Love & light with “starseeds” and “lightworkers” is spreading among young people. But behind promises of self-development, messages of suicide are being spread.
