Emissions in Stockholm must be reduced much faster

Emissions in Stockholm must be reduced much faster

The carbon dioxide budget produced by Uppsala University and the Climate Secretariat on behalf of the County Administrative Board shows that the county has only 42 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents left to emit to meet the Paris Agreement’s two-degree target.

If emissions continue at the current rate, they will only last for another seven years, according to the report.

– It’s a very short time. The carbon dioxide budget shows that the situation is extremely serious and that great efforts are needed from everyone if Stockholm County is to succeed in doing its fair share of climate change, says Mathias Wahlsten, director of public works at the Stockholm County Administrative Board in a press release.

In order to achieve the goal of net zero emissions by 2045, emissions need to be reduced by about twelve percent annually according to calculations. Transport accounts for the largest share of emissions.

– We can not reduce emissions by just a few percent per year if we are to meet the Paris Agreement. A much higher rate is required. All companies and organizations will need to be helped together to reduce emissions. If we invest in effective initiatives in transport and buildings in particular, we can achieve the goal, says Malin Fijen Pacsay (MP), chair of the Climate and Sustainability Committee, Stockholm Region.

The budget counts emissions from the county’s geographical boundary, as well as internationally from aviation and shipping, however, do not include emissions from consumption.

The budget is based on the latest available statistics from 2019 and has been calculated on the basis of the county’s total share of the global carbon budget from the IPCC, taking into account the fairness aspect of the Paris Agreement, that rich countries must reduce emissions faster.

Read more:

The City of Stockholm has reduced its emissions

New climate data – now all Stockholmers’ emissions must be counted

Emissions in Stockholm County 2019

Total: 6 031 000 tons

Largest emissions:

Domestic transport: 2 284 000 tons

Foreign shipping: 1 578 000 tons

Electricity and district heating: 1,001,000 tons

International flights: 609,000 tons

Work machines: 324,000 tons

Source: Climate Secretariat

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