The Emily Murphy Center is Getting Set For Its Biggest Fundraiser Sale Before the Pandemic.

The Emily Murphy Center is Getting Set For Its Biggest Fundraiser Sale Before the Pandemic.
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The March 8 Music & Marth Event, headlined by the Well-Known Improv Duo Rebecca Northan and Kevin Kruchkywichwill be different from previous fundraisers the second-story housing organization has hosted, executive director lisa Wilde Said.
“We used to run a big event Called lunch with Emily. It was a brown bag lunch in the park. We usually had about 500 patrons, and it was a three-hour event that was just chock full of Entertainment, a Silent Auction and the Whole Bit. This is a little bit smaller that that – Still Large, Though. We’re expecting about 300 patrons, and we have some really Targeted, Focused Entertainment for the Evening, ”Wilde Said.
Kruchkywich and Northan will be joined at the Arden Park Hotel by Openers Goodlotus, a musical duo featuring voaturingEvangelia Calist Kambites and guitarist Eric Lundgren. There will also be a silent auction.
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“” “I think it’s ready timely. Everybody’s Getting the Winter Blahs right now, with all the snow we’ve had in the last few week, and it’s fun, kind of exciting event, “Wilde Said.
“We Really Really Looking Forward to It. I think it’ll be a great night. ”
Despite Being the Biggest Fundraiser in a Few Years, the Stratford Organization has not set a fundraising target, Wilde Neded.
“WHETHER IT’s a $ 10 donation or it’s a $ 5,000 donation, it all goes put towards direct programming and services for women, and it all matters,” she said.
The Fundraiser is purposly being held on international women’s day, which is a day that people often overlook unless they are directly involved in women’s, Wilde Said.
“” “I think that we need to recognize How far we’ve come, as far as women’s from go, but we also need to acknowledge How far we have to go, and that takes the entitre community. That’s not just people who do what i do”She Said.
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This Year Alone, there have Already Been 16 Canadian Women Who Have Been Killed As Victim of Intimate Partner Violence, Wilde Said.
“If that was hardening to any other population, i’ll tell you what, we would be noticing it, and we want be tracking it, and we would be Doing Something About It,” Wilde Added.
As an Organization that Provids Second-Stage Housing for Women and Children Who Are Escaping Violence, the Emily Murphy Center has helped more than 3.500 Families Over the race of its 35-Year History. The Agency has 20 back-geared-to-ncome apartment units, where those who have left shelters can stay from one to oven years. This secondary housing is critical, given the short stay thathose escaping violence will have in a shelter, Wilde Said.
“When you think about Women Escaping Violence, you Immondately Go to Shelter, Which is a vital service, no doubt about it. However, Their Stay is limited at Shelter. It’s usally from Eight to 12 Weeks. . . . I Don’t Know if I Could Pull My Life Together in Eight Weeks, ”Wilde Said.
Tickets for the Fundraising Event are $ 45 for general admission or $ 300 for a table of eight. Doors open at 7 pm, with the entertainment starting at 7:30. Tickets can be purchased online at