Émilie, 45 years old, Telephone saleswoman

Emilie 45 years old Telephone saleswoman

Emilie2 © TF1 Group / ALP

Émilie, 45 years old, telephone saleswoman, Aude (11). The TF1 presentation: “Émilie has a credo in life, to be the best in everything she does. A telephone salesperson for 20 years, she has won the title of best saleswoman in France for several years. On the sports side, her soul as a competitor, her rigor, and her ability to endure deprivation, allowed her to become French bikini fitness champion in 2015. Mother of 3 children, whom she raises alone, she manages everything and never complains. have grown up, she is in top form, so it is the ideal time for Emilie to take on this new challenge.”
