Emilia Romagna flood, Bonaccini: 1.8 billion are needed before autumn

Emilia Romagna the victims of the flood are 14 the evacuees

(Finance) – The president of Emilia-Romagna Stephen Bonaccini asked the government for answers on the damages of theflood which hit theEmilia Romagna in May. “After the flood, the government asked us for a esteem of the damages and working day and night we delivered the first estimate of 8.8 billion. Not all are needed immediately, but 1.8 are needed to fix landslides, rivers and roads before autumn, to prevent new rains may cause further damage. We want to collaborate with the government, but we need answers”, declared a guest of Omnibus on La7.

According to Bonaccini, “the appointment of commissioner it’s starting to get a little too late. The minister Musumeci he argued that there was no hurry, I, together with the mayors, including those of the centre-right, and the social partners think that we must keep the emergency and reconstruction together: and this is why the commissioner is needed”.

“After last week’s meeting – he added – we haven’t been called up again, but it’s not a week more or less that makes a difference. 2.2 billion allocated by the governmentAlone 200 million are used for the works. We have already spent double, because the mayors have thrown their hearts over the obstacle”.

“On the occasion of reconstruction of the earthquake in Emilia – underlined the president of the Region – the 12 billion allocated by the governments from Monti onwards have followed one another, they have come back with the interest in the coffers of the Italians. The same will happen with Romagna”.
