Emilia Romagna, CDM declares a state of emergency

Emilia Romagna CDM declares a state of emergency

(Finance) – The cabinet declared a state of emergency for theEmilia Romagna following the storms that hit the region. “The government is operating with the utmost promptness – underlined the Minister for Civil Protection and Marine Policies, Nello Musumeci – in agreement with the Region, to deal with a serious situation of danger for the safety of people and the evacuation of numerous families due to flooding of waterways, flooding, landslides and damage to road infrastructures, buildings public and private, to hydraulic defense works and to the network of essential services”.

The state of emergency lasts 12 months and allocates 10 million euros for “the most urgent interventions, in agreement with the Region and notwithstanding current legislation”.

Approved the legislative decree on retirement of the superintendents which will also intervene on the age limit of 70 beyond which the directors of the opera-symphonic foundations would retire, which should also affect the decisions on Rai and the future of the current managing director Carlo Fuortes. Nicholas Of Water was appointed commissioner for the Drought.
