Emil Soravuo has been aiming for one goal for years – now the Olympic dream of Finland’s medal hope is threatened

Emil Soravuo has been aiming for one goal for years

will show the world championships in balance beam gymnastics on its channels from October 3rd to October 8th. See the schedule of ‘s sports broadcasts from this link.

Last February Emil Soravuo got into a tough place mentally and physically. The success of the World Championship bronze medal had turned into a cycle of injuries.

Just a couple of weeks earlier, the knee had overbent while doing a difficult folding double forward, but there was no chance to take a break while preparing for the European Championships. Soravuo didn’t do anything out of the ordinary that would have explained the rupture of the Achilles tendon. Maybe be a little careful with your knee.

– I still remember when it banged. At first I wondered if it was the permanto that snapped, or if it was a tendon. I meant to come to my neck, but luckily I didn’t. Then I carefully started to try the mobility of the ankle and with a very small power output it went in every direction. There are a few traumas left over from that, Soravuo grimaces.

– The first feeling was that no way. I had just had knee injuries and stress fractures and now the games were coming up. How can it be possible!

The orthopedist confirmed on the same day that the Achilles tendon was completely severed and required surgery. Instead of the European Championships, there would be a long recovery and rehabilitation ahead.

– The first couple of weeks were quite hard, because there was such a hard drive and the races were coming up. There was already such an autopilot on and then everything ended like a wall. I immediately went through whether I did something differently than normal, but the video didn’t show anything miraculous, Soravuo sighs.

This week, Soravuo is watching from the sidelines the World Championships in balance beam gymnastics, where he was originally supposed to defend his 2021 bronze medal.

Due to a serious injury, even the Paris Olympics in the summer of 2024 are threatened.

One small goal at a time

The surgery that went well and the rehabilitation that stayed on schedule have kept the motivation up. Goals have been set for every other week and concrete results with the ankle have helped to stay positive.

At the moment, Soravuo is doing basic volts with permanto, in a month we should be able to increase the intensity and diversify the movements.

Bracket-specific places for the Paris Olympic Games are sought in the World Cup competitions, which begin at the end of February.

In the World Cup, there will be four competitions in a short schedule. The three best results are counted, so you have to participate in at least three races. After the Games, the two best in the ranking get a place in the Olympic Games. The World Cup is not the only way for scaffold specialists to the Olympic Games, but it is definitely the best option.

– That’s it and that’s the schedule. If everything goes well, it’s up to me whether I have time to train effectively enough to get the racing series in shape. I know I’m fine at that point, but how quickly I can get my routine back up and how quickly I can get the modified set back in shape depends on that. It’s fifty-fifty, Soravuo states.

For Soravuo, the Paris Olympic Games has been a long-term goal, for which everything possible has been done.

Soravuo, who graduated as a sports counselor and is now studying economics, lives in the Urhea home, which is a minute’s walk from the gym. We eat, sleep, take care of our bodies and exercise under the same roof.

– If I didn’t make it to the Olympic Games in Paris, I might think about whether I could have done something better. I have eliminated those things very well, so that there are no questions afterwards, says Soravuo.

Not too big risks

Soravuo advances towards the World Cup games one practice at a time. The Olympic Games in Paris would be the pinnacle of the World Cup medalist’s career, but the 26-year-old athlete has also had to deal with a worse option, the one where he would have to give up his Olympic dream.

– Paris has such a dream status for me. I have been thinking about it year after year and I have practiced under its terms. However, it wouldn’t be a disaster if you can’t get there. The Olympics are the Olympics, but I consider other competitions equally important, Soravuo comments.

– It has come to be considered whether to forcibly tape the ankle and take a risk. It was perhaps a bit stupid on my part. If Achilles snaps a second time, then little more than gymnastics remains. As long as the leg gets better and I can continue my work, that would be the most important thing.
