Emil Soravuo cannot defend his World Cup medal – found a silver lining in his injury: “I’d rather now than in the fall”

I know that I can perform under pressure as well

The gymnast Emil Soravuo has to take a long break from competition due to a ruptured Achilles tendon. He believes that the injury will not endanger the pursuit of an Olympic place.

In the fall of 2021, the gymnast who reached the bronze medal in the 2021 World Championship finals Emil Soravuo has to stay away from competitions for a long time. The 25-year-old athlete ruptured his Achilles tendon during his second practice last Friday.

Soravuo trained for his gymnastics competition series at the Urhea Academy. His racing series consists of six volt pieces. The accident happened in the penultimate volt section.

– I set out to do a backwards volt. During the effort, I heard a terrible bang in the direction of the Achilles tendon. Even though I’ve never had a torn Achilles tendon before, I could already tell during the flight that someone had popped. I suspected an Achilles tendon.

Soravuo says that there was luck in the situation.

– Fortunately, I didn’t fall on my neck. I was a little bummed.

The physisar who was there stated that the tendon is severed. The next day, the Orthopedist announced that the injury requires surgery. Soravuo will have surgery on Tuesday.

Soravuo has a recovery period of at least three months ahead of him. The World Cup held in the fall will definitely be missed. Soravuo’s main goal is the 2024 Paris Olympics.

– If you want to look for something positive about the case, I’d rather this happened now than, say, in the fall. Then it would have jeopardized the Olympic qualifiers, which are exactly one year from now. There will be time for them if the surgery and rehabilitation go well, Soravuo states.
