Emil in Luleå dared to start a business – now physiotherapy with VR glasses is a success

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The number of newly started companies decreased in all counties during 2022. Except in Norrbotten – where the number of new companies increased by twelve percent. Emil Lilja recently started his company and he thinks there are very good conditions for starting a new one in Norrbotten.

– There is so much happening right now and many people are interested in new ideas. I think getting that support as a new entrepreneur means a lot, he says.

Created modern physiotherapy

The company was started after Emil, who himself has a background as a civil engineer, started a collaboration with Danderyd Hospital. They conducted a survey where they saw that roughly 80 percent of the physiotherapists’ patients do not complete their classic programs.

– Then we thought, there is no more fun way and that’s where the idea for virtual reality was born. Now it feels more like playing a game rather than rehabilitating head and neck problems.

In the clip, you can see SVT’s reporter, a true beginner, test virtual reality for the first time and see if it works.
