Emelie runs for more than a day – without sleep

Emelie Forsberg is a former world champion in trail running, she also holds the women’s record for the fastest ascent of Kebnekaise and the Matterhorn.

– From the beginning there was a lot of this being in nature. I felt good out there; run on paths and in the forest. Then I realized that it was a sport, a rather big sport too, says Emelie Forsberg, who is now getting ready for the competition at an altitude of 10,000 metres.

The benefit of staying in nature

But Emelie Forsberg says that cross-country running is not only about training and competition, but also highlights the benefit she believes there is in being in nature.

– You get a relationship and you care, especially now when the climate looks like it does. You may need to create an extra relationship in order to take care of it, she says.

Hear Emelie Forsberg talk about cross-country running and how she sleeps during the longest races – which can last up to 31 hours.
