Emak, record turnover in 2022 over 600 million

Emak record turnover in 2022 over 600 million

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Emak ended 2022 with a consolidated turnover of 606.6 million euros, compared to 588.3 million in 2021, with a growth of 3.1% (2.3% on a like-for-like basis of consolidation). The Chief Executive Officer Luigi Bartoli stated “the Emak Group closes 2022 with a historic sales result”.

At the level of operating segments, the segment Outdoor power equipment recorded a decline of 1.3%, while the segment Pumps and Highs
Pressure Water Jetting it closed the year with growth of 4.9% (3.4% on a like-for-like basis), with a positive trend in agricultural and industrial products and a slowdown in those for cleaning. The segment Components and Accessories saw an increase in sales of 6.3% (5.6% on a like-for-like basis).

The beginning of 2023 continues to be negatively impacted by uncertainty dand the global context. Consequently, the Group’s expectations for the first part of the year are to achieve turnover at higher levels than in recent history, while not replicating the record first quarter of 2022. The Group has implemented the appropriate management actions in order to deal with the situation, continuing the initiatives aimed at strengthening its competitive positioning and keeping a close eye on any external growth opportunities
