Elon Musk wants a matchmaking infrastructure as well as a bank for X

Elon Musk wants a matchmaking infrastructure as well as a

One of the richest people in the world Elon Musk, owned by X There is also a matchmaking infrastructure for the platform wants.

Elon Musk, as is always said, bought 44 billion dollars X (Twitter) of the platform He wants it to be a place where anything can be done. For this purpose, Musk added many features to the platform, including video calling. It also wants to turn the platform into a digital bank by the end of 2024. It is also noted that Musk wants a matchmaking infrastructure. There are not many details yet for this infrastructure, which is expected to be built in 2024. Only Musk’s process “paid” It is reported that he wants to present it as such, which is not actually a big surprise. Because nowadays, many matchmaking services / sites are paid for a better service. Meanwhile, another development for X is on the agenda.According to Elon Musk’s latest statement, the recommendation algorithm on the platform is being changed. Musk states the following on this subject: “There will be a major update to the recommendation algorithm in the next few days. This algorithm will highlight smaller accounts and posts outside of your friend-follower network. “As always, this update will be open source and will be continuously improved.”


X (Twitter) Other new features continue to be developed. For example, last week, there was a post under the posts. “similar posts” button was added and this button was later activated in all countries, including Türkiye. When the button, first announced by Elon Musk, is pressed, an algorithm supported by artificial intelligence works and brings you similar content related to the main post. Some people like this discovery infrastructure, which was developed to find more content on certain topics. The system is expected to become much better over time due to its artificial intelligence basis. taken to keep users on the platform longer It is the last step.
