"Elon Musk only rolls for Elon Musk" : our readers react to the news

quotElon Musk only rolls for Elon Muskquot our readers

Musk only rolls for Musk

Denis Malgrange, Limay (Yvelines)

We often feel pointing, in people whose democratic and secular convictions, however, make no doubt, a certain admiration for Elon Musk. It is due, of course, to her image as a visionary and to her extraordinary success, but also to her displayed will to radically degrease the state mammoth. It is this last point that I would like to approach. We must not be lulled with illusions: despite his etymology, the “libertarian” ideology which he claims to be summed up in a few words: no taxes, no state, as little as possible of laws, each only master at home. In the world as it is, such a program comes down, to use the famous formula, to “the freedom of the free fox in the free chicken coop”, that is to say to the right of the strongest. And therefore, very largely, to the right of the richest. Let’s not be naive: Elon Musk only rolls for Elon Musk. (Larry Diamond: “There will be a break between Elon Musk and Donald Trump when …“, L’Express of January 23.)

Let’s not talk about “genocide” in Gaza

Louis CAUSERO, Essey-lès-Nancy (Meurthe and Moselle)

With a group of elected officials, I visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau site a few years ago which we have just celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Liberation. I who are not of Jewish culture, I then think I understood what a genocide is. I had been impressed – and upset by this visit: the extent of the site, the perfected and mechanical system of extermination; In other words, the implementation of the elimination of the Jewish community. I was therefore surprised, in recent months, by the reaction of American and French universities (including Sciences Po) concerning the intervention of the Israeli army in Gaza, qualified as genocidal! I followed the reactions of the defenders of the Palestinians – notably South Africa and the UN – who affirm the genocidal character of the Israeli army in Gaza. They should have been objective and retain the term “war crimes”, for the two belligerents because we cannot forget the taking of civil hostages by Hamas. (In Auschwitz, high school students shaken by gas chambers: “How could we let this do it?“, on Lexpress.fr).

No to euthanasia!

Claude Jancelle, Paris

68 years old, I have been fighting for seven and a half years against a series of successive cancers. I am today incurable, with metastasized lungs and heavy chemotherapy – up to my death. Despite my sufferings, I apply myself to love life to the end and not to disturb my loved ones. My wife and children accompany me in a great way. This is why I would like to come back to the words of André Comte-Sponville. He affirms everyone’s freedom to be master of their life, therefore being able to opt for suicide. It is also favorable to euthanasia, but both acts are not comparable. In the first case, the conscious being chooses to kill himself. In the second, it imposes by selfishness, as much as by weakness and obsession with comfort, the act of killing another – the doctor whose mission is to treat. Is it necessary to be martyred by life by choosing a vain suicide whose reality is a killing dispatched to a third party? Executioner who, one day, could terribly regret the madness of his gestures. In palliative care for those who want to finish in forty-eight hours and without pain via sedation, the sweetest death is to cease to eat. Authorized euthanasia would be a step towards the decline of humanity. (André Comte-Sponville: his last lesson in wisdomL’Express of January 16.)

Retirement: Mitterrand’s bad choices

Serge Pelletier, Laval-en-Beledonne (Isère)

The bad choices of the past have been harmful to the future. Before François Mitterrand arrived at the Elysée, retirement was 65 years old! He lowered it to 60. Without this very bad decision, we would not be in front of a mountain of debts today! (” Retirement at 64, the idea is making its way »»L’Express of January 30.)

Let us listen to the editorialists of L’Express!

Philippe Cuvelier, Saint-Briac-sur-Mer (Ille-et-Vilaine)

Eric Chol notes about our pensions that the French work less than other Europeans. Nicolas Bouzou does not understand that we want to tax capital, because this would seriously handicap the competitiveness of our country. Cécile Maisonneuve denounces the reverse imposed by Brussels on investments for the future. The editorialists of L’Express know what our policies seem to ignore! (Pensions: the truth comes from figures, not politicians, We must lower capital taxation, not increase it!From Brussels to Paris, the International des Flévisses, L’Express of January 23.)
