Elon Musk influence on Twitter: More than 250% increased!

Elon Musk influence on Twitter More than 250 increased

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter is still being talked about. Reaching a $44 billion deal, Musk says he will “make it better by improving it with the new feature”. According to the detection of senior economist and data scientist Daniel Zhao, what Musk said has whetted the appetite not only of Twitter users, but also of those who want to have a job position on Twitter.


Daniel Zhao, a senior economist and data scientist at business platform Glassdoor, noted that interest in job opportunities on social media giant Twitter increased by 263 percent between April 24 and April 30. Fortune, on the other hand, gave the news by saying, “The interest in Twitter business has increased by more than 250% since Elon Musk took action to buy.” The following words were enough to explain the situation:

“Whatever you say about Elon Musk, he has a huge human fan base who is excited to work for him”


Elon Musk made a statement on Twitter, citing the news of the 250 percent increase. The famous billionaire said, “If the Twitter acquisition is complete, the company will be super focused on strong software engineering, design, information security and server hardware.” said. He also said, “I strongly believe that all managers in a technical field should be technically excellent. Managers in software should write great software, or he’ll be like a cavalryman who can’t ride!”
