Elon Musk criticizes Berlin’s support for NGOs

Elon Musk criticizes Berlins support for NGOs

Elon Musk criticizes the German government on his social network, X, formerly Twitter. The American billionaire, boss of Tesla and Space X in particular, disapproves of Berlin’s financial support for NGOs helping migrants in the Mediterranean.

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Elon Musk shared a video showing migrants being rescued by the ship of an NGO partly financed by Berlin, asking this question: “ Do the Germans know about this? »

Response from the German Foreign Ministry: “ Yes, that’s what we call saving lives “.

In the United States, Elon Musk regularly interferes in the political debate, not hesitating to criticize the management of immigration at the border with Mexico. But this is the first time that he has directly challenged a European government.

And the exchange continues. The billionaire believes that the majority of Germans are undoubtedly opposed to Berlin’s funding of these NGOs involved in the Mediterranean.

On the transport of migrants to Italian soil, Musk evokes a “ violation of Italy’s sovereignty by Germany » and goes even further: “ This sounds like an invasion “.

Read alsoThe Italian island of Lampedusa faces a record arrival of migrants

This time, no response from the German government. For his part, the Tesla boss concluded by affirming to be “ completely in favor of simplifying immigration » provided that it is legal.

Read alsoIn Germany, a migration policy between solidarity, firmness and confusion
