ELN guerrillas announce end-of-year truce

ELN guerrillas announce end of year truce

The ELN guerrillas, in peace negotiations with the Colombian government of Gustavo Petro, announced on Monday December 19 a ” unilateral ceasefire during the holiday season in Colombia.

The truce will be in place” from 6 a.m. on December 24, 2022 until 6 a.m. on January 2, 2023 said a spokeswoman for the organization in a video posted on social media.

This end-of-year truce applies only to state military and police forces “Explained the spokesperson, speaking with a covered face, accompanied by six armed guerrillas in an unidentified place, surrounded by mountains. ” We reserve the right to defend ourselves in case of attack added the Guevarist organization. Influenced by Liberation theology, the ELN used to call a truce for Christmas and the New Year.

armed strike »

The outbreak of a recent ” armed strike embarrassed the left-wing government, which took office on August 7, which in November resumed the peace talks suspended by the former government of Iván Duque (2018-2022), and asked the rebels to ” consistency “. Negotiations are ongoing, without a bilateral ceasefire, with Cuba, Norway and Venezuela as guarantors.

Active since 1964, the ELN has a force of some 2,500 fighters and a vast network of collaborators, according to independent estimates. Although it has a central command, its fronts have a certain autonomy for the conduct of military operations.

(With AFP)

►Also read : Peace negotiations with the ELN in Colombia: cautious optimism following a first round of talks
