Elmedina received moldy foodora food

Elmedina received moldy foodora food

Published: Less than 20 min ago

He who waits for something good never waits too long – right?

Student Elmedina Menekshe ordered home Thai food via Foodora – but the food turned up moldy and inedible three weeks later.

– This is the strangest thing I’ve been through and the food is the most disgusting thing I’ve seen, says Elmedina Menekshe.

Usually, the various food delivery companies deliver takeaway food within an hour – but for student Elmedina Menekshe, 20, from Gothenburg, the Thai food order took a full 21 days.

– The sick thing is that the food was probably prepared the same day I ordered it, because when I opened the lid the food was completely moldy, and a slice of lemon was completely black, says Elmedina Menekshe.

Waited for hours

It was at the beginning of November that Elmedina Menekshe wanted to treat herself to some everyday luxury.

– I had both gone to school and worked all day, in the evening I would wash. I really couldn’t bring myself to cook so I ordered home instead.

But the long-awaited Thai food never appeared that night.

– I waited and waited and waited. So in the end I wrote to Foodora who replied that strangely it said in their app that the food had been delivered, which it had not.

full screen Elmenida’s Thai food. Photo: Private

“Sickly disgusting and unpleasant”

Foodora notified Elmedina Menekshe that she would be compensated for the missing food.

– Then I let it go. I understand that this is what happens, even if I was a little annoyed.

But three weeks later, the food mysteriously appeared outside her apartment door.

– At first I was happy, I thought they wanted to compensate me for the food I didn’t get. My receipt was stuck to the bag, so I understood that it was my order, she says and continues:

– But the food was completely rotten. It was so sickeningly disgusting and really uncomfortable. I felt sick for several hours afterwards. It was really old food.

Elmedina Menekshe contacted Foodora directly to find out how the possible food found its way home – but the company also did not know how the situation arose.

Will you continue to treat yourself to everyday luxury by ordering via Foodora?

– No, I have already deleted the app. I will definitely not order with Foodora again.

full screen Elmedina Menekshe, 20, received a three-week-old foodora order.

Foodora: We are investigating the matter

According to Johanna Lindskog Lindell, press officer for Foodora in the Nordics, missing takeaway food has never been found.

“We know that the courier was at the address two weeks ago. We can also see that there was no delivery from us to this address earlier this week,” writes Johanna Lindskog Lindell, press officer for Foodora in the Nordics.

Furthermore, she writes that the matter is under investigation.

“It is not acceptable to receive moldy food, if it happens against all odds, we want the customers to pay attention to us quickly so that we can solve it immediately”.

full screen Foodora bid in Gothenburg. The offer has nothing to do with this particular delivery. Photo: Lars Pehrson/SvD/TT
