Elliott Vince, who aspires to do great work in the field of artificial intelligence, perhaps in the area of cyber-security, won’t have to worry about finances while pursuing his dream.

Elliott Vince, who aspires to do great work in the field of artificial intelligence, perhaps in the area of cyber-security, won’t have to worry about finances while pursuing his dream.
The 17-year-old Ursuline College student is one among 100 high school graduates from across Canada to be awarded the prestigious $100,000 Schulich leadership scholarship for students enrolling in science, technology, engineering or mathematics undergraduate programs.
In September, Vince is heading to Queen’s University to study computing with his sights set on artificial intelligence in the areas of cyber-security or quantum computing.
“There’s a lot of possibilities,” Vince said, adding he will see where it takes him.
The Merlin-area resident has long had a passion for computer science.
Vince said he became interested in computer coding around Grade 8 when “I started making Minecraft plug-ins for a server I was working on.
“I love it,” he said.
Vince knew about the Schulich leadership scholarship, because his older sister, Cora Vince, was a nominee a few years ago.
But, the scholarship didn’t cross his mind until around the end of the first semester.
Vince said he thought, “Hey, maybe I should apply for it; so, I took a chance.”
There is no sibling rivalry over him receiving the scholarship.
“My sister has always supported me,” Vince said, adding she was very happy for him.
He said doing well in school is an expression of his gratitude for everyone who has supported him.
“My parents (Blake and Karen) have always supported me and my friends have always supported me, and I’ve got some great teachers,” he said.
Each year, high schools across Canada are allowed to submit only one Schulich scholarship nomination, based on academic excellence in STEM, entrepreneurial leadership and financial need.
“Elliott Vince has upheld a high standard of academic excellence, maintaining final averages of 95 per cent or higher every year, while balancing part-time employment and many extracurricular activities,” said UCC principal Lisa Harnarine.
“Elliott has consistently demonstrated an outstanding work ethic, time management and organizational skills throughout his years at UCC,” she said.
Computers are not the only keys where Vince’s talent shines. He’s been playing the piano for 14 years achieving a Grade 8 level from the Royal Conservatory of Music.
“That’s a really good experience,” he said.
Along with helping out with livestock on the family farm, he also works part-time at Schinkels’ Gourmet Meats in Chatham, stating he has great co-workers.
Vince was going to university whether or not he received this scholarship, but he said knowing he will be in such a sound financial position “still hasn’t really, fully set in.
“It’s hard to wrap my head around it and I’m grateful for it,” he said.
Vince is looking forward to having a great summer as he prepares for his future.
“I’m pretty excited,” he said, adding he plans to work, do some coding, play the piano and spend some time with friends.
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