Elliot, 21, made a disgusting discovery in the Max burger: “Vomiting”

Elliot 21 made a disgusting discovery in the Max burger

That was last Saturday Elliot Johnson visited Max at Medborgarplatsen on Södermalm in Stockholm. There he bought a chicken burger, and took the food home with him.

But what was supposed to be a yummy meal, ended in nausea and anger.

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Raw meat in the burger at Max

A few bites into the burger, Elliot discovered that the chicken meat was pink.

– I have bought it before and then it was white and completely clear, now it was almost bloody pink, he says to News24 and continues:

– I was about to vomit from discomfort and from how disgusting it looked.

Elliot’s chicken burger from Max was pink. Photo: PrivatePhoto: Private”Disgusted and angry”

After the incident, Elliot Johnsson has tried to get in touch with Max by sending forms, emailing and calling.

– I have had food poisoning earlier in my life. I lost all desire and felt sick and became disgusted and angry, he says.

In the future, the 21-year-old will stay far away from the fast food chain.

– No, for me this was at such a lousy level that I lost confidence and wanted to eat at Max’s, he says.

On Tuesday, Max had been in contact with Elliot.

“We have been in contact with the guest and we regret the guest’s experience.” writes Helena Stenqvist, press contact at Max in an email.

According to Helena Stenqvist, all chicken is fully cooked at the supplier, before it is sent out to the fast food chain. According to Stenqvist, the fact that chicken products at På Max can still look pink is due to over-marination.


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