The elite football player is charged with two points for money laundering and gross money laundering. These are so -called romance fraud, where the elite player is suspected to have claimed to be someone else and initiated relationships online.
He must have acted together with his wife, who is charged with four points for money laundering.
In the case of gross money laundering, the plaintiff has begun a close relationship with the elite player and believed that they should move together. The elite player managed to transfer money to various invented expenses, including costs for college, lawyers and travel.
The elite player – who denies a crime and is punished since before – raised SEK 539,300 in the autumn of 2021.
Got rid of three million
For the woman, the elite player must have lied that he worked as a surgeon abroad. He claimed that he was in a war situation for a period of time and needed money to come home. In total, the woman got rid of SEK 3 million.
The elite player in turn believes that he was deceived by a family friend. A person who wanted to conduct business and who needed help opening bank accounts to buy and sell goods.
The elite player sent a picture on the bank card to the family friend, but denied that he handed out his BankID to him or someone else. The family friend passed away a few months before the police were connected, the player says.
– I wanted to help him (family friend) because he is a good person I have known for a long time. He explained the business and that he needed help. No problem I said, says the elite player during Tuesday’s court hearing.
Pretended to be Keanu Reeves
The elite player gave a relaxed impression when he stepped into the courtroom, but looked more strained when the woman showed up on the link. He denied that he knew the woman, and the player emphasized that he had not helped the family friend if he knew the money would go to criminal activity.
The woman had contact with the elite player for over six months. Afterwards, she realized that something was “very wrong during the transfers” – but she felt very manipulated.
Another defendant in the prosecution brought over SEK 1.4 million to the couple, after the woman started an online relationship with someone who pretended to be Hollywood star Keanu Reeves.
In February 2023, the elite player received SEK 36,000 while his wife received 120,000 from the same woman, who thought she paid for a house building in London intended for her and Reeves.
“It seemed seriously”
The woman participated on the phone during the trial. There she told me that an engineer conveyed how much was required for the house to be completed. She would become a partner in the house project and was asked to sell her apartment.
– I got documents that seemed to be real regarding the property to be built in London, says the woman in the interview and continues about the e -mail she received:
– It was a building permit in London from any building office. It seemed serious.
The elite player and his wife now risk both conditional judgment and fines.
In the case of serious money laundering, the woman has requested that the elite player pay SEK 539,300 in damages to her, where 194,000 of the sum will be paid with his wife. The other woman has claimed damages of just over 5,000 as deductions have already been made.
Read the entire Football Channel’s article here.
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