Elisabeth Ohlson, ex-husband and children

Cecilia Uddén age – how old is she?

Cecilia Uddén was born on October 28, 1960, which means that she will turn 64 in the fall of 2024.

How long has Cecilia Uddén been a correspondent in the Middle East?

Cecilia Uddén has been Sweden’s Radio Middle East correspondent for 30 years. On her profile page at SR, it says that Uddén “covers the Middle East from Cairo. Libya, Tunisia and Egypt are also included in her coverage area.”

Cecilia Uddén’s former husband – was she married to Otto Mannheimer?

In 1998, Cecilia Uddén married the culture journalist Otto Mannheimer. In August 2022, Uddén told The ice courier that she and the former husband were separating.

Cecilia Uddén’s family – does she have children?

Together with ex-husband Otto Mannheimer, Cecilia Uddén has two children: the sons Edgar Mannheimer and Arthur Mannheimer. Both are now adults.

Does Cecilia Uddén have a partner?

When Cecilia Uddén visited The SVT talk show “Carina Bergfeldt” on November 17, 2023, she told that she found love again.

– I have met a woman who is fantastic. Elisabeth Ohlson is her name, says and goes on:

– We usually call each other mistresses because it sounds so nice, I think. But older generations seem to think that you are doing some left-wing nonsense. But yes, I’m happy.

Who is Cecilia Uddén’s girlfriend Elisabeth Ohlson?

Do you think the name Elisabeth Ohlson sounds familiar? It’s not that weird. Namely, Elisabeth Ohlson is a well-established photographer and artist who received a lot of attention for exhibitions such as “Ecce homo” and “Jerusalem”, where she combined religion and LGBTQ issues.

In August 2023, Elisabeth Ohlson’s play “Ulla & Zarah” was staged at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, but only a week before the premiere, the artist learned that she had suffered from incurable stomach cancer. In an interview with SVT’s Kulturnyheterna she talked about the important support she received from the ensemble and the production:

– It was just like everyone else – now we’re giving up, we’re not putting this down now! It was so touching when I came back later, because then I knew that this is my last play.

After 24 years: Elisabeth Ohlson’s “Ecce homo” is shown in the EU

How long have Cecilia Uddén and Elisabeth Ohlson been a couple?

It is unclear how long Cecilia Uddén and Elisabeth Ohlson have been in a relationship, but they have been sharing pictures together for some time now.

“My darling Elisabeth. So brave and full of love even in the most difficult moments,” Cecilia Uddén, for example, wrote on Instagram when Elisabeth Ohlson revealed that she had suffered from cancer

Did Cecilia Uddén get sick in Cairo?

In 2014, Cecilia Uddén underwent a routine operation in Cairo which led to complications.

“I came to Sweden by ambulance flight a week ago – after 10 days in hospital in Cairo,” she wrote on her Facebook page, which Expressen reported on, among others.

To the newspaper said Björn Löfdahlwho was then program editor at Sverige Radio, the following about the situation:

– I know this. But there is no drama in it. Cecilia fell ill and wanted medical help at home in Sweden. And now she is receiving care. More than that, probably none of us will say about this, it’s a completely common ailment or whatever.

Does Cecilia Uddén have Instagram?

On Instagram, Cecilia Uddén’s name is @ceciliauddenm.
