Elisabeth Borne’s baptism of fire at the Agricultural Show

Elisabeth Bornes baptism of fire at the Agricultural Show

On pesticides

During her visit, Elisabeth Borne announced ” a development plan for alternatives for the most important phytosanitary products “, promising farmers state support and assuring that she would not repeat” chlordecone mistakes “.

The Prime Minister was referring here to the pesticide used until 1993 in French banana plantations in the West Indies, the cause of many cancers and great mistrust on the spot.

Our approach is based on science and the opinions of scientists. This is the method we apply to all products. The other cardinal point is that we do not compromise with public health. No one here wants to repeat the mistakes of chlordecone », Considers Elisabeth Borne.

In concrete terms, this means seeking to identify new uses, new tools and new products to better protect crops, while preserving our biodiversity. “, she explained.

In the wake of President Macron, she raised the idea of ​​a plan aimed in particular at coordinating France’s action with that of the EU, with a view to offering ” visibility » to actors in the sectors concerning the products that they may or may not use.

I want to be clear, she insisted. In terms of phytosanitary products, we will now respect the European framework and nothing but the European framework. In recent years, France had instead chosen to ban certain substances still authorized within the EU.

Period gone, then. “ We will not create any regulatory distortion for our producers, except in cases of force majeure, when public health is threatened “Nevertheless insisted on specifying the Prime Minister.

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