Elisabeth Borne unveils her pension reform project

Elisabeth Borne unveils her pension reform project

The French Prime Minister presented, this Tuesday, January 10, 2023, the pension reform project of her government, which plans to gradually push back the legal retirement age to 64 years.

64 years old in 2030, compared to 62 years old today. Elisabeth Borne wants the legal retirement age to be raised at the rate of three months a year from September 1, 2023. It would thus be set at 63 years and three months in 2027, before reaching the target of 64. years in 2030.

The French Premiere defended this option this Tuesday evening in Paris, with the Ministers of Economy, Labor and the Public Service at its side, respectively Bruno Le Maire, Olivier Dussopt and Stanislas Guérini, after a passage before the deputies and before the news.

Still in the name of budgetary balance, and the sustainability of the pay-as-you-go system, the government’s plan also plans to accelerate the extension of the duration of contributions, bringing forward to 2027 the requirement of 43 years of contributions for a pension. at full rate instead of 2035.

Elisabeth Borne, French Prime Minister:

We suggest that those who can work longer (…) This choice is also the one made by all our European neighbors.

We will not go further than the 43 years of contributions provided for by the Touraine reform to leave with a full pension. We will reach this target faster, moving to a quarter-per-year pace. We will be at 43 years old in 2027. Finally, we will maintain at 67 the age at which people can retire without a discount regardless of their contribution period. It is essential for those who have had a broken or incomplete career, and I am thinking here particularly of women.

Elisabeth Borne announces the raising of the legal age

Revaluation of pensions

Ambition by Ms. Borne, whose project consists in particular in accelerating the reform of Marisol Touraine? ” Justice ” and ” progress “. The Prime Minister has decided to integrate “to the project” the revaluation of the pensions of current retirees who have had a full career at the level of the Smic “.

This concerns, according to the head of government, “ nearly two million small pensions “. The measure will be discussed with parliamentarians, “ specifically ” the group Les Républicains, specifies Élisabeth Borne, who hopes to be able to integrate the measure into the text which will be presented on January 23.

Decline in special diets

The reform will act the extinction of the main special regimes “, according to the terms used in the press kit of the government. ” New hires at RATP, in the electricity and gas industries branch and at the Banque de France will notably be affiliated to the general scheme.

Elisabeth Borne:

I am well aware that changing our pension system raises fears and questions among the French. We want to answer and convince.

This project will give rise to comments, debates and opposition, but I would like to say right now that the confrontation of ideas can be done without disinformation, without stirring up fears. In two weeks, the amending Social Security financing bill, which carries it, will be presented to the Council of Ministers and then debated in Parliament. We want dialogue…

Speech by Elisabeth Borne on pensions

We are open to discussion, we want it, and we know what it brings, adds Ms. Borne. This presentation is therefore not an end point, we are ready to further develop our project, and this will be possible thanks to a loyal and constructive parliamentary debate. »

On long careers

The reform also includes a device called ” adapted “for long careers, ” so that no one who started “to work early is forced to work” over 44 years old “.

In 2030, when the legal retirement age will have been raised to 64, it will remain at 58 for those who started working very early, before the age of 16. For those who started between the ages of 16 and 18, I am thinking in particular of apprentices, retirement will be possible from the age of 60. And for those who started between 18 and 20 years old, it will be from 62 years old.

We will make the long career system fairer, especially for women. Before this project, periods of parental leave were not taken into account in the duration to benefit from it; now it will be…

In 2030, when the legal retirement age will have been raised to 64, it will remain at 58 for those who started working very early, before the age of 16. For those who started between the ages of 16 and 18, I am thinking in particular of apprentices, retirement will be possible from the age of 60. And for those who started between 18 and 20 years old, it will be from 62 years old. We will make the long career scheme fairer, especially for women. Before this project, periods of parental leave were not taken into account in the duration to benefit from it, this will now be the case…

Elisabeth Borne on her pension reform

Index for seniors

In addition, the government wants to create a ” senior indexes » that companies with more than 50 employees will have to publish. This measure arouses the hostility of employers.

Refusal to fill in the index will be grounds for sanction “, specifies the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, without detailing the indicators which will be used to set up this index, the latter having to be “ defined following professional consultation “.

But this index measuring the employment of seniors will have to be put in place for companies with more than 1,000 employees. from this year “, and for those with more than 300 employees in 2024, assures Ms. Borne.

An index will be created on the position of employees at the end of their career. This index will be simple. It will be public. It will promote good practices and denounce bad ones.

More information to come on RFI. Refresh the page
