Elisabeth Borne tempers Gérald Darmanin’s offensive

dismissal of Gerald Darmanin on rape charges

In France, the ambitious Gérald Darmanin will have to wait. A week after announcing that his immigration bill would be before Parliament at the start of the school year, the Minister of the Interior was forced by Matignon to postpone it. The Prime Minister asked him to organize, first, a “big debate” with all the actors on the subject. The theme is explosive and the minister is perhaps looking a little too much for the light.

Since the beginning of the summer, Gérald Darmanin has multiplied the startling declarations against those he calls the ” delinquent strangers “.

At the end of July, the Minister of the Interior said ” assume a form of double jeopardy », Claiming that foreigners convicted in France should then be expelled.

This Thursday, August 4, the former LR, admirer of Nicolas Sarkozy, gave it a layer. The newspaper Le Figarohe said his intention to extend, from one to three years, the possibility of keeping a foreigner in a detention center.

He would also like to allow the expulsion of foreigners convicted of serious crimes and misdemeanors, even if they were married in France or arrived in the territory before the age of 13.

Its objective: to speak to the far-right electorate and reach out to the right.

But now, Elisabeth Borne has put the kibosh. The minister must first consult the political parties, social partners and civil society.

The Prime Minister knows only too well that immigration could inflame the Assembly in the fall.

As for Gérald Darmanin, he intends to make Beauvau his political springboard. He who, like the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, is already preparing after Emmanuel Macron.
