Elisabeth Borne resumes her consultations

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Elisabeth Borne receives this Wednesday 14 and tomorrow the presidents of the parliamentary groups in the National Assembly and the Senate to continue discussing the pension reform, which Emmanuel has decided to postpone to January.

all united ! The deputies of the Nupes coalition, the left-wing and eco-friendly senators displayed their ” common front against the government’s pension reform. Reform whose presentation was postponed on January 10 and while Elisabeth Borne continues the consultations of the parliamentary groups.

During the press point, it was Fabien Roussel, leader of the PCF, who opened the ban, emphasizing ” the unit of leftist and ecologist parliamentary groups. ” We are all united in saying no to retirement at 64 or 65, no to any age measure, including the extension of the number of quarters of contribution “, insisted the deputy from the North. ” Since the end of October “, a joint work was carried out by 14 parliamentarians from the different Nupes groups with hearings from trade union organizations and economists, he indicated.

we say ‘no’ to any age measure, including lengthening the number of trimesters

Fabien Roussel: “We are here to send a message, one: we are all united”

In its common program for the legislative elections, the Nupes proposed to ” restore the right to pension at age 60 at the full rate for all after forty years of contribution “. The parliamentarians did not discuss joint proposals or actions on Wednesday, preferring to hammer home their message of unity, reports AFP. Already on Tuesday evening, the eight main French trade union organizations (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, Unsa, Solidaires, FSU) and five youth organizations published a press release reaffirming their opposition to any increase in the legal age of retirement.

No “brutality” demand the Republicans

On the right, the leader of the Les Républicains deputies, Olivier Marleix, told Matignon on Wednesday that he did not want a pension reform in an economic context “ hard ” for the French people. ” It is not up to the French to pay for the delay that Mr. Macron has taken in terms of pension reform “, declared Mr. Marleix after an interview on December 14 with Elisabeth Borne. ” We prefer a reform that succeeds by going gradually, to a very ambitious reform but which will fail because it would not be acceptable to our compatriots. “, he insisted.

As for the hypothesis, agitated by certain LR deputies, of a motion of censure by the Republicans, he considered that his party was ” quite capable to do so, but adding that it was only ” not the goal “.

Pensions: a postponement for what?

Emmanuel Macron took everyone by surprise. ” He’s the boss “, explains without qualms a minister who had been informed of the decision to postpone the announcement of the pension reform. But, to hear it, this is not the sign of a refusal of last minute obstacle or of a presidential hesitation on the purpose of the reform and the necessary decline in the legal age of retirement. The question is not ” where does it want to go “the Head of State but” the way to get there “. The objective would therefore be to allow build some convergences », in the first place with the unions, giving them time to let them know – even informally – which scenario they reject the least: 64 years with acceleration of the Touraine reform on the contribution period or 65 years directly. But convergences also with the deputies -.LR or even on the left – to obtain a ” new majority “.

In short, bring a political benefit by possibly sliding, by January, from the 65-year-old option on which Emmanuel Macron campaigned to that of 64 years.

Valerie Gas

(and with agencies)
