Elina Holter shot one of the first bears of the year: “A little shaky”

On Monday, this year’s bear hunt began and the hunter Elina Holter in Strömsund got hit right away.
In Nyhetsmorgon, the 17-year-old talks about the adrenaline after the shot.
– After you clicked off, you got a little shaky, she says.

Just before eight o’clock, just a few hours into this year’s bear hunt, 18 bears had already been shot, Aftonbladet reports.

In total, the hunters are allowed to kill 649 bears during this year’s license hunt, an increase of 27 animals compared to last year, according to the county boards’ decision.

Most animals, 185, may be shot in Jämtland County. The hunt continues until October 15 at the latest, with the exception of certain parts of Norrbotten where it ends earlier. As soon as a county’s allocation is filled, the hunt is cancelled.

Photo: Anders Humlebo / TT

This year’s hunt is expected to be both faster and more efficient as hunting dogs are allowed for the first time to track bears that have been lured with food, so-called bait.

Elina shot her first bear

17-year-old Elina Holter from Strömsund became one of the year’s first bear shooters.

– The dogs barked and brought up a bear. Then he came out onto the road and we shot, she says.

Elina Holter has been hunting since she was little, but this was her first bear.

– After you clicked off, you got a little shaky. But it’s damn fun, she says.
