Naked, alone and locked in a cage for three days. That was the recipe for Elin Skarin’s performance Skådis i bur. – It is interesting that this nudity arouses so many emotions in people. But in fact it has been more of a desexualisation of the female body, she says. The actor Elin Skarin has sat naked in a cage at Konstnärs scen in Stockholm as part of the performance Skådis i bur. She brought neither clothes nor food into the cage. What was available was a camping toilet, a shower curtain, toilet paper and a microphone. – It is interesting that this nudity is brought out so much. That it arouses so many emotions in people. But in fact it has been more of a desexualisation of the female body, that I am an animal and an actress and a human being. – It has been very exciting and fun in many ways. It has been a lot more collective than it sounds. The audience has been present and made suggestions, says Elin Skarin. The show was open between 9am and 10pm and was also broadcast live on a TV facing the street at night, so you could follow Elin around the clock. Those who visited the performance could smuggle in objects, such as food or clothes. – It has been received very, very well. There have been audiences who are not theater audiences at all who just passed by and came in for a while and then they have come back 4-5 times. It feels like it has become an artistic joint meditation on our time. Can you give some examples of what people have submitted? – Lots of costumes have come in that I have used. Everything has been possible, texts they have written. Someone has sent in receipts and someone has sent in a bathrobe. See how it looked in the cage in the player above.
Elin sat naked in a cage – for three days