Elin is waiting for surgery during the health care strike

On Tuesday, the health care strike was extended by another 1,300 employees, and seven regions are now involved.
At the same time, there are many patients waiting to receive care – including Elin Lervik, who broke her back last spring.
– I had to wait for six days to get an X-ray when I could have been lying at home and resting instead, she says.

One of those affected by the nursing strike in Stockholm is Elin Lervik. In March this year, she was involved in a riding accident and broke her back. Then it was discovered that she has a cerebrospinal fluid leak, which means that brain fluid is leaking from her spinal cord. And during the spring there have been many hospital visits.

– I have been in periods, one of which I had to wait for six days to get an MRI when I could have been at home and resting instead, says Elin Lervik.

The operation can be postponed

Now there is a risk that the operation she has been waiting for for so long needs to be postponed.

– I have been told that I will have surgery on Friday, but I don’t really dare to count on it yet.

Meanwhile, the strike continues. Today, it was expanded by 1,300 people. A total of seven regions are involved and a solution to the conflict seems to be far away, something that is now affecting Elin Lervik.

– For me as a person, this has changed my whole life and my whole family’s life these months. So I think anything where you have to wait is troublesome at all, she says.

“Put myself aside”

Above all, the strike is about the healthcare workers’ schedules, where the union wants to see shorter working hours. But the employers mean that there is no money for this.

Despite the fact that Elin Lervik is now one of all the patients affected, she still has an understanding for the healthcare staff.

– Individuals and professional groups such as nurses now need to stand up for right and wrong. And then I have to put myself aside for a bit.

Today, Region Värmland was also taken out on strike. Martin Larsson is a board member of Vårdförbundet Värmland and he reacts to Elin’s situation.

– If we get the right conditions, we will be able to handle this much better, he says.
