Elin free from scattered breast cancer – despite tough diagnosis

She was pregnant when she got her first breast cancer diagnosis. Then the disease came back and spread to both liver, lungs and the brain.
– I didn’t know if I would survive for a few months, says four -child mother Elin Ekman.

Elin Ekman tells in News Morning how she was forced to remove one breast in 2020 and undergo tough treatment with cell toxins. When the cancer later returned, in a more aggressive form, she experienced it as a pure death sentence.

– I tried to find women who survived the same type of cancer but found nothing, she says, describing a period characterized by severe anxiety and uncertainty.

Positive message – no visible tumors

Although Elin’s cancer is the severe variant triple negative, a combination of cytostatic drugs and immunotherapy has produced astonishing results. A little while ago, a tumor was operated away from her cerebral brain. Today, X -ray examinations show no active tumors in the body.

– I am so incredibly grateful that I live, she says. Now I even start to dare to hope to be able to work again.

“Enormous successes”

According to Henrik Lindman, breast cancer physician at the Academic Hospital, triple negative breast cancer is an aggressive form that previously had few treatment options. In the program, he also attaches great importance to the rapid development:

– It has been huge successes, especially for the past 20 years. In some cases, patients may even be completely cured.

Lives with concern – but also with hope

Lindman participates during the ongoing conference on spread breast cancer, arranged by the Breast Cancer Association. He believes that the exchange of knowledge and new research findings give rise to cautious optimism. Elin Ekman is a clear example of how effective today’s cancer treatment can be. At the same time, she lives with constant concern about relapse.

– I have to get treatment all the time, but that I can actually be without visible tumors is almost inconceivable, she says.

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Today 11:09

Hope for patients with spread breast cancer – see the full feature here:
