Elica, over 11 thousand treasury shares purchased

Elica over 11 thousand treasury shares purchased

(Finance) – Propelleras part of the buyback program, announced that it had purchasedbetween 10 and 20 December 2024, in the aggregate 11,328 treasury sharesat the volume-weighted average price of 1.732 euros per share, for a countervalue equal to 19,625 euros.

Since the start of the program, the company active in the kitchen hood market has purchased a total of 1,766,374 ordinary shares, equal to 2.789% of the share capital, for a value of 4,255,646 euros.

As of 20 December, following the purchases made so far and the result of the rights offering of the shares subject to withdrawal, Elica holds a total of 3,845,374 treasury shares in its portfolio, equal to 6.07% of the share capital.

Meanwhile, in Piazza Affari, Propeller recorded a decline of 0.59% compared to the day before and stood at 1.675 euros.
